
Beauty Buzz: Give Some Lip

By |May 14th, 2010|Beauty Buzz|

kerstin-lipsSo, as girly as I am, there are two things that I just can’t seem to keep a handle on. Lipstick and nail polish. I’ve mentioned before that my nails are chipped more often than not. To go along with that, I really just CAN’T be bothered with applying and reapplying lipstick. I once tried one of those “long wearing” red lipsticks and was horrified that halfway through the night I looked like I’d sucked the blood from a baby pig (or just a reject from the next Twilight installment). This is why you’ll probably only catch me with some lipgloss, chapstick, or nothing on my lips.

For a while I was happy using Benetint for double duty on both lips and cheeks, but despite the berry stained color, it did nothing to moisturize my lips. So while perusing Sephora (that place is dangerous) waiting to meet up with friends for an afternoon cocktail, I stumbled upon something brilliant from Tarte:

6a00e5504d1b2f88330128778c9f34970c-800wiTarte Natural Lip Stain with LipSurgence, $24

This little gem combines both a stain with a moisturizing technology called Lipsurgence (6000% increase in lip moisture!) and is completely free of parabens and sulfates.  I picked “Charmed” which appeared to be a very light pink. (I tested it on the back of my hand). It has a minty scent/taste (not sure which?), and glides on smooth. I must warn you, the color is much more saturated on the lips, so I was more bubblegum pink than sheer pink. I suggest testing on your lips before purchasing. My lips stayed smooth and moisturized for a lot longer than lipgloss and even chapstick, not to mention that the color certainly does last (so make sure you like the color!). I use it all the time despite the Barbie pink shade. My girlfriend laughed at me while wearing it during our run on the Hudson the other day. Whatevs, you never know who you’ll meet!



The List Volume IV

By |May 14th, 2010|The List|
Adding Zest Nails on Chalkboard
And so it’s that time again. What irked me and raised my blood pressure this week? Take a look below to find out.
  1. Basketball Wives. Are you guys still talking?
  2. Smoking. You wanna eff up your lungs? Go for it. Making my hair and clothes stink? Now we’ve got a problem.
  3. Two finger typing. There’s a class for that.
  4. Jessica Simpson for OH so many reasons. Not even a cameo on Entourage is gonna make you cool, girlfriend.293.JessicaSimpson.tg.051210
  5. Rachel Uchitel’s vajayjay. Aren’t you tired?
  6. Class rings. (Thanks for pointing this out, GBF). I don’t believe I ever even got one, so why are you still wearing yours? No need to wear your resume on your ring finger, unless, of course, it’s a 5 carat Harry Winston.
  7. Fighting over a boy. Um, Kate, Cammy? He cheated on his wife with a stripper. You really wanna throw ‘bows over this one? alex-rodriguez-stripper
  8. Snooze button. You’re ruining my life.
  9. Gulf Oil Spill (again). Um, come up with any solutions yet guys? Or are we planning a big fish fry I didn’t know about?
  10. The tween boy hair flip. I love that little Greyson guy (who doesn’t?) and we’ve all got Bieber fever, but is that hair toss necessary? Looks like a mild case of tourettes…



Why Did You Date Him: Text in the City

By |May 11th, 2010|Why Did You Date Him?|

2177056408_3287c71670Things have changed since Granny was going out on dates.  While we think some of her dating advice is brilliant (a good man’s worth waiting for, why buy the cow when the milk’s free?, if you run, he’ll follow. if you follow, he’ll run), Nana doesn’t have a clue as to what we are up against in the age of the internet. Between social networking and cell phones…. we’ve got our work cut out for us.

I’m the first to admit that one of the first things I do when I meet someone new… is Google. Granted, I Google everything because I don’t like to not know the answer, but Googling love interests can be treacherous (curiosity did kill the cat, my friends). Once you’ve clicked “search” you’re bombarded with Linked In, Facebook, Friendster (WHO still uses that), Myspace (WHO still uses that), Twitter, photos, or perhaps, nothing. I can’t decide how I feel about finding “nothing” but in my experience, the more “Googleable” (made that up) a person is, the more heartache that can potentially ensue.

Picture 1

We all know Twitter was responsible for putting the final nail in the coffin of my last relationship and from time to time Twitter eff’s with my current situations. It really is a blessing and a curse. I mean, when you broadcast your whereabouts on the internet… Not to mention that people can now “@” you without permission… Someone’s bound to catch you in a lie. You call it stalking, I call it resourcefulness. Tomato, tomato.


I know people who have literally canceled dates after checking out their prospective suitor’s Facebook page.  One too many photos at Bagatelle brunch with a magnum of rose turned me off from a gentleman who requested the pleasure of my company. No, thank you! You are now able to get a peak into people’s lives before you’ve even shared an appetizer.  I know what your mom looks like, where you last went on vacation, and don’t worry, I’ve scouted out your ex before we’ve even checked our coats. So really, what is there left to talk about? Wanna make out?

Shit storms have started between couples who are both on Facebook. “Who the hell did is Samantha Brown?” “WTF is Tommy doing writing on your wall?” I no longer want to be Facebook friends with boys I’m dating. Why don’t you go ahead and not worry about what I’m doing and I’ll do the same. It’s unnecessary drama added with really no upside.


Texting has become a skill to be honed at this point. Are you reading the subtext of the text? I’ve received texts that I needed Cliffs Notes to decipher. When I re-read them later (because we all like to go back and overanalyze) I realized that I was having a completely different conversation than my counterpart. I thought we were talking about dancing. He thought we were talking pants off dance off. Woops. Obviously, I need to pick up a copy of Flirtexting STAT. This also leads to all the questions of when to text back, should you text back, NEVER double text. It’s virtually impossible to have a real conversation via text message. I can’t tell you the number of times things have been totally misconstrued over text. Obviously, my sense of humor is not conveyed well digitally.


Um, and shall I even proceed into BBM territory? Good word, those damn D’s and R’s are out to ruin my life. I actually try NOT to give out my PIN to guys I just start seeing because I really just can’t deal with the politics that are Blackberry Messenger. Yes, I “read” your message. No, I have no response. I can’t deal with the blinking red light forcing me to check all BBM’s (OCD much?) and therefore, forcing me to respond. Perhaps this is a strong argument for making the iPhone switch.

Picture 2

Wanna delve into FourSquare? Now you can alert the world as to where you are at every waking moment of your life. My apartment building is a check in point. That in and of itself is creepy. I’m not sure I need everyone to know where I am at all times… Why not implant yourself with a GPS? Might as well. Now you can “just happen” to show up where your crush is. What a coincidence!

While sitting at the pool at Soho House (berating the man next to me for having an iPad), he informed me of a new iPhone app that will allow all single people to identify all the other single people in the room. Looks like I better invest in a fake wedding ring ASAP.

I think I’d like to revert back to hand written notes (send me an E-card, I dare you) and telephone calls. Maybe there truly is such a thing as TMI.

P.S. since we are stuck with technology, you should probably follow WhyDid on Twitter, and join our Facebook page. If you can’t beat ’em…



Why Did You Wear That: Skirting the Issue

By |May 11th, 2010|Personal Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

Oh, hey Spring. Thanks for joining us. As we saw the temperatures rise last week, the hemlines rose as well. My favorite look I saw the beautiful girls of New York sporting was flirty floral tiered skirts.  It was feminine and sexy without being over the top. I’d like to think that this would be a hit with the fellas (what do you think, guys? love it?). Anyway, I have, again, scoured the internet for some of the best of the best so you too can skirt around town:

freep2065630396_p1_v1_m56577569831915029_254x500Free People Tea Party Skirt, $58

74800789-03-1Forever21 Zip Front Striped Skirt, $14.80

nanet2034130157_p1_v1_m56577569831922530_254x500Nanette Lepore Floral Flutter Skirt, $298

159214_blm_wDelia’s Ivette floral Print Skirt, $39.50

pCHIC1-7018294dtCharlotte Russe Painterly Tiered Skirt, $22

18338319_001_aFree People Tiny Dancer Skirt, $88

Here’s how I dressed it down:

skirt cas

And dressed it up:

skirt dres

Clearly, I’m going to need to get an intern solely responsible for taking photos and Flip camming everything. (Any takers?). Anyway, as soon as this random cold spell decides to take a hike, hopefully I’ll see lots of pretty girls wearing pretty floral skirts.



Why Don’t You Eat Me: A Few of My Favorite Meals

By |May 10th, 2010|Guest Blogger, Why Don't You Eat Me?|

You all know I love food. Passionately. What you may not know is that I almost always plan my meals out in advance. I’m thinking about breakfast the night before. Once I’ve had breakfast, I start to think about lunch and well, dinner will be figured out way before the sun goes down. It’s not that I’m particularly OCD (okay, maybe just slightly). It’s the fact that I love food so much that once I’ve got one meal covered I simply can’t wait to think about the next. So, today I’m going to give you a little more insight into the person you’ve come to know and love as WhyDon’tYouEatMe and share my favorite meals to all of you! They’re good, so get ready. Here we go!


maincafeatlasAtlas: I used to live a block away from this place and I was there probably there at least 2x a week. First of all, the food is just plain good. Secondly, it’s fairly healthy. Thirdly, it’s inexpensive. That’s a winning combo in my book. My two favorite dishes are the granola with yogurt and fresh fruit or the goat cheese eggs with olives, and sundried tomatoes with a side salad and whole wheat bagel. Breakfast of champions.


cafe gitaneCafe Gitane: I honestly love this place any time of day, but it’s best for lunch. I probably go here about once a week during the spring/summer. Their moroccan couscous with chicken is amazing. Their goat cheese salad with apples, olives, and goat cheese croutons is perfect. The avocado with lemon juice, olive oil, and chili flakes on seven grain toast is a MUST.  Everything I’ve ever had there is good and I’ve tried just about everything on the menu at this point.


newyork_momofukossam_001pMomofuku Ssam  Bar: Two words: pork buns. This is another menu where I’ve more or less tried everything at this point and it rarely disappoints. I’ll just highlight my faves for you though. The cured hamachi with edamame, horseradish, and pea leaves has the most amazing flavor. I get this dish every time along with an order of pork buns. My two favorite main dishes are the spicy pork sausage and rice cakes and the hanger steak. The flavors in both of these are sensational as well. I could eat here multiple times a week every week and never get sick of this place.


venieroVeniero’s: When I’m not craving cupcakes from Baked by Melissa or cookies at Momofuku Milk Bar and want more of a variety, then I go to Veniero’s. This is where I find the best cannoli, eclairs, and napoleons around. They also have mini pastries, so I can get one mini of everything and pat myself on the back for getting to try ten different things in one sitting.

Now you have my favorite and most frequented restaurants in the city. They may seem simple and fairly uncomplicated, and inexpensive, but when it comes down to it it’s all about consistently good food that keeps me coming back.

See you next Munchin’ Monday!

