
Why Did You Eat That: Smooth Operator

By |April 24th, 2010|Recipes, Why Did You Eat That?|


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day (obvi), so I try to never skip it. It cranks up your metabolism for the day and keeps you focused until lunch. However, I’m sometimes in such a rush in the morning that it seems like a hassle. That’s when I decided it would be easier for me to just “drink” my breakfast. Why not drink some Ensure? Oh… because I Regina George’d myself. (Remember when she eats all those “health” bars and gets fat?). Yep! I got fattish.

Thankfully, one of my bff’s stepped in and saved me. She sent me the recipes below for a healthy drinkable breakfast… or lunch… or dinner:

All use whey protein,I like vanilla but you can use chocolate too.

1 banana (good for getting rid of extra fluid intake)
A spoonful of almond butter or organic peanut butter
Crushed almonds
Whey powder
Cup of skim milk and ice

Whey protein
1 banana
Flax seed
Cup of frozen blueberries
Cup of strawberries
I even add a handful of spinach…you can’t taste it and its good for you.

Those are my standard smoothies…you can add any of your fav fruits to the second. Even add pineapple. Get crazy.

So I started drinking these basically every day for breakfast and I’m not fat. Phew! When picking out the whey protein, make sure it has little sugar, few carbs, and low calories. I just asked the guy at GNC which one wasn’t going to make me fat.

So grab your blender and a straw. Happy sipping!



You’re On My List

By |April 23rd, 2010|The List|
pissed-off-woman1So, Kingsley did it. I’ve done it before. Today, I will do it again. Just a few things that annoyed me this week.
  1. Kate Gosselin’s weave.
  2. Volcanoes. I mean, really? We have things to do and you’re totes effing up our sched.
  3. Bathroom attendants. I don’t need your help pumping the soap and no, you don’t deserve a dollar for it.
  4. Molly Sims. No reason necessary.
  5. People who talk to me when I’ve clearly got headphones on. I’m obvi trying to avoid all communication with you. Get it?
  6. iPads. Still don’t get it.
  7. The Millionaire Matchmaker reunion show. Reunion shows are bullshit.
  8. Cellulite. I wanna know the male equivalent. Balding?
  9. SJP’s Vogue cover. Why does she look 24? She’s 40+ and we know it.
  10. Shrimp.

Okay, that’s all… for this week.



What on God’s Green Earth??

By |April 22nd, 2010|Beauty Buzz|

It’s Earth Day.  Yep, the day we celebrate our beautiful home. (We SHOULD be doing that every single day, but whatevs). I’m no granola girl and you certainly aren’t going to catch me wearing Birkenstocks anytime soon, but that’s no reason I can’t be a little bit Earth friendly with my daily beauty regimen. Below are some products that are good for you and our planet. Word to your mother… nature.


Nude Cleansing facial wash, $24


Origins Nourishing Facial Lotion, $42.50


Burt’s Bees Very Volumizing Pomegranate and Soy Shampoo, $8.00


Clark’s Botanicals Skin Clearing Face and Bodywash, $46


Organic cotton balls, $2.49


Yes to Carrots SPF 15 Lip Balm, $3.49

Go green or go home, bitches!



Bring Your Bra-llet

By |April 21st, 2010|Uncategorized|


I have recently become obsessed with running/biking/skating at Hudson River Park. I’m lucky enough to live a hop, skip, and jump away and have been taking full advantage (and my butt thanks me for it).

Not that I need to bring a full purse worth of items with me on my athletic endeavors, but it sure would be nice to have somewhere else to shove my keys besides inside my sports bra. I mean, there really is nothing sexier than pulling out a sweaty clump of dollar bills when trying to pay for a post run smoothie. Ask the girls at Scores.

Enter the RackTrap.


The RackTrap is a safe haven for all items necessary when leaving your abode (ID, cash, keys). It fits comfortably in any size or style of bra and is totally washable and “undetectable” (until you have to reach down your shirt to pull it out). They also now have a special one just for us active ladies (which is allegedly sweatproof).

Well, thank goodness!  Now I can run in peace!



Spoiler Alert

By |April 21st, 2010|Uncategorized|


You may or may not have noticed there’s been some changes here and there at WhyDid. We’ve been testing things out, seeing what fits. Kind of like in the dressing room of Intermix. Some things look amaze, while others were like a silk charmeuse dress during period week. Basically, we’re giving WhyDid a serious makeover and who the hell doesn’t love a good makeover? Nobody.

After some feedback from our much loved readers and friends, we’ve obv taken your thoughts and needs into consideration and are planning on making WhyDid way more fun and easy to navigate (we’d make totally awesome gf’s, right?).

Hold onto your pantaloons though, we’ve just begun with our revamping and like all good things, this does take some time. So keep on reading daily and get ready for the big relaunch. Consider this like foreplay.

In the meantime, be sure to follow us on Twitter:



and absolutely become a fan on Facebook, duh!

We’re really excited…. like, really, really. Hope you are too!


