It’s Earth Day. Yep, the day we celebrate our beautiful home. (We SHOULD be doing that every single day, but whatevs). I’m no granola girl and you certainly aren’t going to catch me wearing Birkenstocks anytime soon, but that’s no reason I can’t be a little bit Earth friendly with my daily beauty regimen. Below are some products that are good for you and our planet. Word to your mother… nature.
Nude Cleansing facial wash, $24
Origins Nourishing Facial Lotion, $42.50
Burt’s Bees Very Volumizing Pomegranate and Soy Shampoo, $8.00
Clark’s Botanicals Skin Clearing Face and Bodywash, $46
Yes to Carrots SPF 15 Lip Balm, $3.49
Go green or go home, bitches!
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