
Why Did You Wear That: Falling Flat

By |March 2nd, 2011|Why Did or Why Don't?|

A trend you can look forward to this spring is a wobbly one.  We’ve seen wedges and espadrilles season after season, but this year our wedges are falling a little flat.  Literally.  Wedges have taken a bit of a different shape and I’m not sure I like it.  Instead of making your feet look teeny like they usually do, these flat footed shoes makes you look more like you’re wearing snowshoes.  They’re sort of like a pontoon boat, no?  But alas, there may be no escaping these wonky wedges as Michael Kors, Phillip Lim 3.1, and Fendi have all docked their boats at the marina (sorry, too much?).

What are your feelings on these clodhoppers?




photos via Style.com

Would You Wednesday: Going the Distance

By |February 16th, 2011|Why Did or Why Don't?|

Luckily. I, myself have never really had to deal with a long distance relationship.  However, I know quite a few people who have dabbled in frequent flyer flings.  I require far too much time and attention to be a candidate for one.  One thing I’ve learned from talking with friends who have decided to partake in pen pal passion, is that the math is simple.  How ever long you’ve been dating… divide it by 3.6.  Let me break it down for you… If you are lucky, you will get to see your beloved every weekend for two days.  So two times fifty two (that’s 104)… Not a whole lot considering there are 365 days a year.  So, basically, if you’ve been dating for a year, you’ve really only been dating for three months (tops).

Another thing that was brought up was the fact that a long distance relationship can sometimes deflect the real relationship flaws because you are only able to spend a short amount of time with someone and then return to your normal life.  So, anything that may have been going wrong over the weekend is forgotten about in the lag time between your next flight.  When you can only see someone for a short period of time, you are on your very best behavior.  Day to day life and challenges are not really a part of your relationship.  People can show you the parts of them that they want you to see and nothing else.  While emailing, texting, and Skyping, you can “play a role” of who you want your mate to think you are.  It is incredibly difficult to really know someone who is thousands of miles away.  Often times, when the real life proposition of moving to the same city is breached, it is quite scary.

Though sometimes it is unavoidable, I think that long distance relationships are really just time fillers for people who don’t really want to commit.  Unless there is a plan and time period for one (or both) party(ies) to relocate, it’s just like being in a holding pattern until you’re ready to land.

Now boarding rows 10-21.



*P.S. there are certain clauses to this.  Like if you happened to be dating before one of you had to move and have every intention of reuniting shortly.

Would You Wednesday: Sock on This

By |February 2nd, 2011|Why Did or Why Don't?|

For as long as I can remember, socks and sandals have not only been a fashion faux pas, they’ve been a fashion “oh heeeeell no.”  Well, it seems things, they are a changin’… or it’s just another sign of the apocalypse.  In any case, it seems that wearing socks with your sandals is becoming somewhat socially acceptable.

Shown above by Burberry, socks with sandals can actually look quite chic and the trend is popping up all over the place for spring.  While I like it in the photo, I worry that like most things, this trend will not be translated properly by the masses and then we’ll be bombarded with a bunch of jackasses who got it all wrong.  I guess this a good trend for the gals who can’t wait to wear their new spring sandals… or just need a pedicure.

So, socks and sandals: tres geek or tres chic?

You sock.



Would You Wednesday: Give Me a Ring

By |January 26th, 2011|Why Did or Why Don't?|

It’s no secret that Jennifer Love Hewitt is A) a little bit loopy and B) hasn’t had the best luck in the dating department.  So, it comes as no surprise that she created quite a bit of buzz in a recent interview.  When she appeared on the Ellen Degeneres Show, she revealed that she’s got three different rings at Tiffany’s all picked out for her future betrothed.

Now, in reality, most young ladies all have a certain ring in mind when they think about the “big question” being popped.  So, there is certainly a chance that we may have left subtle hints lying around or have pointed out a ring we like on someone else’s finger.  Some of us may have even delegated a close friend (with good taste) as the “go to” gal if your beau should have any questions or need guidance.  I think all of that is normal.

However, the way Ms. Hewitt approached the topic was totally tacky and what sparked all the buzz.  Picking her rings from Tiffany’s was her first rookie mistake in my humble opinion.  I mean, could you be any more predictable and dull?  Probs not.  The real issue lies within her comments about not wanting to be “disappointed” with her ring.  Did we not already cover this? Yo, Jen Love?   Perhaps if you spent more time picking out a stellar stud, you could spend less time worrying about a gemological dud.

So, is it wrong to make a finger bling wish list? Or is it just plain tacky?

well, good luck, JLove.



Would You Wednesday: Adult Dorms?

By |January 20th, 2011|Why Did or Why Don't?|

I don’t remember exactly what it was that I was researching on the web (it’s really hard to tell), but somehow I stumbled upon this article and was totally intrigued.  All this time I’d lived in New York and never knew such a place existed.  The Webster is a women’s only housing facility smack dab in the middle of the city. Residents at The Webster have their own furnished room with a shared bathroom, get a warm breakfast and dinner daily, have access to an insane garden as well as roofdeck, and can use any of the common areas (including library, TV room, recreation room with piano) all for under $1000 a month!  For those of you not familiar with NY housing costs, $1500 is the typical entry point for a studio apartment (that I can assure will not have a roofdeck or garden).

There are some stipulations, however.  No male visitors are permitted in bedrooms and elevators and are confined strictly to the downstairs recreation areas.  To be a “guest” in The Webster, ladies must be either be students working fifteen hours per week or be working full time.  You can find out how to apply right here (they don’t use email!).

I know my parents would have sent my application in for me if they had known this place was an option.  Not only because my father will believe I am a virgin until I pop out my first born (and even then will probably believe it to be immaculate conception), but also because it is a serious piece of mind.  My parents helped dole out the extra cash so I could live in a doorman building during my first summer in New York City.  Knowing that they could check in on me with the help of my doormen put them at ease when they (heaven forbid) could not reach me on my cell phone.

Webster isn’t the only type of facility like this in the city.  There are a few others scattered throughout Manhattan and one of the most famous, Barbizon Hotel, was featured (though called something different) in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar.  Sylvia, Grace Kelly, Liza Minnelli, and Joan Crawford all actually lived there in real life!

It sounds totally retro, but also kind of awesome at the same time.  I can’t help but think how different my life might have been if I had lived in an apartment complex like this.

So, girls’ night?

