
Sponsored Post: Ford Fiesta Movement Presents the 2nd Annual What’s Trending Tube-a-thon

By |December 12th, 2013|Sponsored Post|

Tonight (December 12) starting at 6pm PT/9pm ET, tune into What’s Trending‘s YouTube channel to watch two hours of fun, fundraising, music, comedy, performances and surprises from your favorite celebrities and internet stars. Some of those who are participating in this year’s Tube-a-thon are Far East Movement, Eric Andre, Travis Garland, Shay Carl, Chester See, Freddie Wong, Toby Turner, Daily Grace, Mystery Guitar Man, Vitaly, Tyler Ward, and Bart Baker.  Tune in and tweet along using hashtag #Tubeathon or #FiestaMovement.   For every tweet using these tags, What’s Trending and Fiesta Movement will donate $1 to Covenant House.

Keep up to date with the Second Annual Tube-A-Thon, by following @What’sTrending and @FordFiesta on Twitter and subscribe to YouTube.com/WhatsTrending




Monday Mashup: Stating the Obvious

By |September 10th, 2012|Monday Mashup|

miley cyrus vmasAlright, let’s not beat around the bush.  I do realize the MTV Video Music Awards took place last Thursday, which coincidentally coincided with Fashion’s Night Out.  This left us all with the burden of choosing between one three ring circus and another.  I, myself, went ahead and took on Fashion’s Night Out in New York by visiting with Lauren Kaminsky and David Lerner at Beauty & Essex.  This, of course, means that I missed out on all the tomfoolery of VMA’s past.  But alas, I took a little bit of time perusing the red carpet photos and viewing some of the noteworthy performances via YouTube.  And while, there was the usual ridiculous attire of some, others –ahem, Rihanna– redeemed themselves.

And then I realized something.  We’ve all been wondering what exactly Miley was thinking when she lobbed off her locks a couple of weeks ago (or at least her bun and I have).  Well, I think we may have unearthed her inspiration.  Perhaps young Miley was channeling the queen of girls kicking ass, Pink and her platinum blonde bouffant.  The resemblance is kind of uncanny and it leaves me wondering what Pink thinks about her mini me.  More importantly, what do you think?



Smart is the New Pretty: Picture That

By |April 4th, 2012|Smart Is the New Pretty|

I know you guys love my writing (yammering), but it seems we are a generation that is totally enraptured with photos.  And well, like they say, pictures are worth a thousand words.  So, it’s no wonder that we spend a lot of time on our phones and computers uploading and “liking” photos.

Picture that.




image via TechCrunch

Smart is the New Pretty: Let’s Socialize

By |October 19th, 2011|Smart Is the New Pretty|

As women, we are known to be very social creatures.  So, when the buzz word  “social media” started popping up everywhere (and is even now considered a “career”), we thought to ourselves, “Psssh!  We’ve been doing this for years.”  While there are plenty of folks out there who consider themselves to be gurus, experts and mavens in the venue of Marketing/PR 2.0, most of them haven’t a clue as to what they’re talking about.  So, if you’re looking to increase your social presence, it’s probably best not to leave it to the “experts” and start learning yourself!  Social Media is constantly changing so you better keep up!

Now go fire up your Tumblr, Twitter, and Flickr.  It’s time to get social… and while you’re at it, be sure to Tweet, FB, and YouTube with WhyDid.


WhyDid Wisdom: My Hedgehog Ate My Homework…

By |July 12th, 2010|WhyDid Wisdom|

baby-hedgehog-3At some point in everyone’s life, one decides he/she needs a hedgehog. Last Wednesday was that day for me.

I know, I know. You’re really wondering how on earth I came upon this totally well adjusted idea. Well, that stupid Baskin Robbins commercial with the porcupine reminded me of a dear friend so I proceeded to YouTube it. As  you may or may not know, YouTube then bombards you with other videos that might interest you. I was sucked into a blackhole of cuteness. After about twenty minutes (read 2.5 hours) of browsing my quilled friends, I realized that hedgehogs rather than porcupines were, in fact, my new animal crush.

Had I known of a pet store that readily stocked hedgehogs, I would have had one that afternoon. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), the pet stores I know of in New York only supply over priced puppies from puppy mills and the designer clothing they wear. Damn. So, I did what any other normal person would do. Googled images of hedgehogs until my heart nearly exploded with sheer joy. Visit us for the best cat doors at a glance.

While perusing photos of these sweet little rodents, I stumbled upon some Wiki answers and was intrigued. After some research, I found out that hedgehogs are “biters.” Perfect. I read the “step by step” directions as to what to do when your “hedgie” bites you. While the articles suggested that a hedgehog bite is no more painful than that of a hamster, I decided that perhaps I should reconsider my desire for a pet hedgehog.


The moral of my story? It is important to do your homework. Had I not done a little digging, I would currently be sitting here trying to post a Craigslist ad for a “free hedgie” but unable to type because my fingers would be bandaged due to my bite wounds. Whether it be a new car, career, boyfriend, beauty product, or pet, it is wise to do a little background check before delving into the unknown. I’m all for spontaneity and living by the seat of your pants, but a little knowledge never hurt anyone (which is more than I can say for hedgehogs).

