As women, we are known to be very social creatures. So, when the buzz word “social media” started popping up everywhere (and is even now considered a “career”), we thought to ourselves, “Psssh! We’ve been doing this for years.” While there are plenty of folks out there who consider themselves to be gurus, experts and mavens in the venue of Marketing/PR 2.0, most of them haven’t a clue as to what they’re talking about. So, if you’re looking to increase your social presence, it’s probably best not to leave it to the “experts” and start learning yourself! Social Media is constantly changing so you better keep up!
- I’d say the guy who really started this craze (or shall we call it obsession) with staying connected is Mr. Zuckerberg. He’s really changed the way people interact… and that’s kinda crazy because he dropped out of college. Which is probably a good thing ’cause student loan debt is out of control. Students took out over $100 BILLION in loans this year alone. [Gawker]
- Phew! Glad we sidestpepped that one, Zuck. Really dodged a bullet there. And speaking of Facebook, the number of friends you have on FB may directly link to your brain density. [Mashable]
- Hopefully none of those friends are the ones constantly demanding you to “LMS” (like my status). Well, cause that’s just tacky… and annoying.
- Oh, you thought that was a funny video? Well, now you can make your own thanks to the integration of WeVideo cloud based video editing platform into YouTube. Yes, you too could be the next Miles Jai. [TechCrunch]
- And you should probably look your best for your upcoming video shoot. With Bib + Tuck, you’ll soon be able to hit the “refresh” button on your closet whenever you need by swapping duds with like minded fashionphiles. [Vogue]
- Watch your pageviews soar with your new look! Google Analytics is making it even easier to for you to analyze your data with new visualization charts! [Mashable]
- If your friends could see you now! Oh wait, they can! LinkedIn’s new “Classmates” feature takes keeping in touch with old pals one step further. [TechCrunch]
- The most important thing with all of this crazy technology is to use it carefully and responsibly. It is crazy, scary, creepy what people can do with all the information you are feeding them. (Seriously- try this!!!)
- You don’t want this guy posting your pic on Twitter! [NY Post]
- Oh, look. A new social site popped up in the midst of my writing this post. Told you it’s tough to keep up. [SF Gate]
Now go fire up your Tumblr, Twitter, and Flickr. It’s time to get social… and while you’re at it, be sure to Tweet, FB, and YouTube with WhyDid.

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