I know you guys love my writing (yammering), but it seems we are a generation that is totally enraptured with photos. And well, like they say, pictures are worth a thousand words. So, it’s no wonder that we spend a lot of time on our phones and computers uploading and “liking” photos.
- A picture may be worth a thousand words, but what about movies? Are YouTube rentals on the horizon? [Mashable]
- Well, guess where Twitter’s moving? [Huffington Post]
- Is there something –gasp– better than Pinterest? [Mashable]
- Hope you didn’t just get a new iPhone… cause the rumors about a new one are already starting. [Mashable]
- Instagram for Android was downloaded over one million times in 24 hours. [Mashable]
- Wanna spice up those Instagram photos? Try out the newest internet meme: Ridiculously Photogenic Guy. [Mashable]
- And speaking of ridiculously photogenic males… Ryan Gosling, anyone? [Refinery29]
- Not every picture is a keeper. Here are some of the worst album covers ever. [Gizmodo]
- What is a keeper though, is Karl Lagerfeld’s apartment. [Fashionista]
Picture that.
image via TechCrunch

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