
Why Did You Wear That: White for Your Right To Party

By |April 26th, 2011|Celebrity Style, Personal Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

If you’d described this outfit to me without seeing it, I probably would have thought you’d been hitting up ye olde crackpipe again and would have had to stage an intervention.  However, when I saw Cameron Diaz sporting her light white ensemble a couple of weeks ago, I thought she looked incredibly chic, not like a drug induced fashion victim.

I know what you’re thinking: All white?  Isn’t that a nod to the Michelin Man? In most cases, I’d say, “Yes.”  In this instance, it comes off more angelic modern than just moronic.

The best part?  These pieces are things that you most likely already have in your closet.  I had everything minus the U-Boat watch which I borrowed stole from my fiance.  Remember to break up the white with your accessories otherwise you’ll be walking around like a baker or tampon (whichever).  I went ahead and nixed Cam’s suspenders (let’s not be completely ridiculous) and added a Mr. T gold chain instead.

1. American Apparel Unisex Sheer Jersey Short Sleeve Deep V-Neck, $24, 2. Stella & Jamie Black Leather Bomber, $352.99, 3. Toy Watch Oversize Plasteramic Watch, $225, 4. Seven For All Mankind Roxanne Skinny Flood in Clean White, $159, 5. Brian Atwood Closed Toe Platform Pump, $580, 6. Balenciaga Velo, $1,445

You gotta fight!




Photo via Just Jared

Monday Mashup: Nice Guys Finish Last

By |April 25th, 2011|Monday Mashup|

Blair’s been there.  Carrie’s been there.  Even I have been there.  It’s the inner struggle between good and evil.  The choice between the good guy and the guy who makes your hair stand on end.  You know what I’m talking about.  There is the guy who you know will make a great boyfriend, great husband, great father and then there is the guy who makes your stomach flip flop when you hear the mere mention of his name.

We have all met the guys who are perfect on paper.  Good job, good family, good looking.  All reasonable logic would tell you, “Pick him! PICK! HIM!” but then there is that pesky little thing called lust.

For Blair, Dan is a complete departure from her usual type.  As a matter of fact, he is the epitome of all that is awful in her world.  Chuck on the other hand is cut from the same cloth as Ms. Waldorf.  But is Blair fighting against the very thing that she actually needs?  Are we programmed to think that we “need” one thing when in reality what we actually need is something completely different?

I’m fairly certain that women’s hearts around the world broke when Carrie ditched Aidan… not once, but twice in Sex and the City.  He was tall, dark, and most certainly handsome.  Not to mention, he was a man’s man who was good with his hands.  Carrie, WTF?  But alas, our heroine sauntered off into the sunset yet again with Mr. Big.  I can’t lie, there is something eternally endearing about Mr. Big (don’t we all have our very own Mr. Big?), but we all know he is nothing but trouble.  Was Carrie really in love or was she just addicted to the struggle?

So is there an answer to the age old question?  Head or heart?  Do good guys always finish last?

I like to think I got lucky and wound up with both head and heart.



Why Did You Eat That: Someone’s in the Kitchen with Dinah

By |April 25th, 2011|Recipes, Why Did You Eat That?|

So, for Easter brunch, my dad came up and visited us.  We took him over to Dinah’s Restaurant for some eggs and outdoor seating.  Because you already know how I feel about brunch, I found it alarming that they had no idea what I was talking about when I requested a bellini.  They came back later and asked if I would instead like a mimosa.  Who am I to say, “no”?  Above is a photo of the mimosa that was brought to me.  I’m not complaining, because it’s three times the size of a normal mimosa and for seven dollars, you really can’t beat that.

However, all of this made it incredibly clear that I needed to make sure everyone knows how to properly prepare two of the best brunch beverages out there.  (A Bloody Mary would round out the list, but that’s far more complicated and deserves a post all to itself).  Below, please see the simple arithmetic of a boozy brunch:



Now that’s an equation to which I have the solution.



Friday Frocks: Show and Pas-tell

By |April 23rd, 2011|Friday Frocks, Why Did You Wear That?|

The other day my dad was complaining that people don’t dress up for Easter like they used to.  While people certainly have become more casual, he’s probably just spoiled due to my mother’s extreme outfits that she put her children in for the holiday.  For as long as I can remember (until I had a say in the matter) I recall being strapped into an easter bonnet, fluffy dress, ruffled socks or tights, and some form of jazzy shoes (I wish I had pictures).  When I talk about the Easter bonnet, I’m not talking about the run of the mill eyelet cap, I’m talking about fresh flowers sewn in to match my dress.  My mother is no joke.

So, while you may not have the time (or interest) in sewing flowers to your cap, there’s no reason you can’t get into the holiday spirit by  prancing around this Easter Sunday in one of these flirty pastel frocks.  They’re enough to make the Easter Bunny blush:

1. Contrarian Barbara Bib Dress, $381, 2. Forever 21 Floral Sweetheart Tube Dress, $19.80, 3. Gianni Bini Della Dress, $138, 4. Wyatt Ivory Chiffon Big Rose Print Dress, $84.15, 5. Amanda Uprichard Joan Dress, $194, 6. Roxy Full Time Dress, $39.50, 7. Free People Flutter Away Striped Dress, $98, 8. Top Shop Pleated Neck Dress by Love, $76

Hoppy Easter!



The List: Volume XLI

By |April 22nd, 2011|The List|

It’s been a while.  Lucky for you, The List is back.  One would think there would be far less to complain about in Pleasantville, but stupid people and annoying habits are everywhere.  You can run but you sure as heck can’t hide.

  1. .Strip malls.  How many different versions of the same thing can there possibly be?  I can’t even tell where I am half the time cause it all looks the same.  I know I’m close when I see Black Angus and Mini Golf World.
  2. Zuckerberg wannabes.  You are not about to the next Facebook.  Sorry.
  3. Brides/bridesmaids wearing cowboy boots at weddings.  I don’t care if you’re from Texas.  This is neither the time, nor the place. As a matter of fact, I’m not sure what that time or place even is. 
  4. Automated voice recordings that make you listen closely to a bunch of options so that your call is directed to the correct person… only to have that person ask you all the same questions again.  No, it’s fine, I had fifteen extra minutes to spare.
  5. The smell of dirt. How do worms live like that?
  6. People who are still speaking “Sheen.”  You just sound like a LOSER when you say WINNING.
  7. Audrina’s new show.  Enough is enough.  Even that killer bod isn’t gonna hold our attention for more than five minutes of meaningless babble.
  8. Girls who brag about their shitty shoe collections.  Steve Madden does not a shoe collection make.  Now, this is a shoe collection: 
  9. Autotune.  When are people going to start singing again?
  10. Malaria.  Monday, April 25th is World Malaria Day. Find out how to help here.

