
The List Volume VII

By |June 4th, 2010|The List|


I nearly had to make a top 20 list this week seeing as I had already filled eight of ten spots by Tuesday. But alas, here is the abridged version:

  1. Feet on the window or dashboard while in an automobile. Really?BF0018-001
  2. Denim cut offs to the knee. All I want to do is hand you a Bud Light in a coozie. who told you this was cute, let alone flattering?Isabel-Lucas-diesel-jeans-cut-off-shorts-JT-1mary-kate-olsen-boyfriends-house-03
  3. People who come up and touch my dog without asking and without ever acknowleding my presence. Hi.
  4. People who bark at my dog. That’s just weird. Do you speak dog? **sidenote: my ex once barked at a man who was chatting me up when he came back from the bathroom. That was pretty funny (but also weird).
  5. Long natural nails. fake nails are gross, but these are grosser. I want to call the health dept.longnails
  6. Belly button jewelry. Time to move on, people. This was cool when Britney was relevant.
  7. Girls who ‘whooo.’ I’m talking to you, Bachelorette Ali.
  8. Inane Facebook status updates. I don’t need to know that you’re tired, you stubbed your toe, or you need more coffee. Unless you’re sharing a cappuccino with Jay-Z, Jigga Man, himself, don’t bother updating us.
  9. People who think they are famous. You’re not. It’s cool, I’m not either. Nor is the majority of the population.
  10. Smiley faces made like this =) It is a colon : not an equal sign =

ugh. Life’s hard. Have a good weekend.



Why Did You Wear That: You Can’t Have It All

By |June 3rd, 2010|Why Did You Wear That?|

While soaking in the sun (and some rose) poolside at Soho House last week, I was startled to see some really horrific footwear that nearly killed my blissfully happy buzz.

IMG00145 scuba

WTF?  I’m sorry, what does one call these? Are they flip flops? Are they socks? Flip socks? I’m confused. Is it hot out? Is it cold out? Did you forget to shave your ankles? Do you have cankles? What is the problem? Please tell me.

You know you aren’t supposed to wear socks with sandals, so why are you trying to break the rules? Would you wear these?


Didn’t think so. The only time I can think these might even be useful are while running home after a pedicure so as not to smudge those freshly lacquered tootsies. But then again… I’D JUST WEAR FLIP FLOPS.  Too cold for flip flops? Then WEAR SHOES. Real shoes. Not these hybrid foot freakshows. (Pretty sure a similar pair made my frightening footwear roundup).

Pick a side. Are you wearing socks or are you wearing flip flops? You can’t have it all.



Barking Up the Wrong Tree

By |June 2nd, 2010|Why Did You Date Him?|

DSC07386 Barking up the wrong tree 520

The other day I had a pretty hilarious, yet disturbing conversation with a guy pal of mine.  He has a long term girlfriend who he seems to care about, but he does have a bit of a “roving eye” to put it lightly. He mentioned that his gf is always halfway to a meltdown. I can’t say I blame her. Love him, but I’m pretty glad he’s not my boyfriend.

Basically, the conversation was in regards to her concern about a close girl friend (as in platonic friendship) that he has. His girlfriend is convinced that he’s sleeping with this friend. He joked that she was “barking up the wrong tree” because he is not in any way involved with his friend in a sexual manner, but he does have eyes for someone else. His girlfriend seems to have forgotten one of the cardinal rules: “It’s NEVER who you think it is.”

I’ve been in this position and I remember an older and wiser friend saying that very phrase to me.  I was convinced my ex was sleeping with one of his girl friends and I would obsess over it and drive him nuts about it (until I met her in person and realized she was no threat). Meanwhile, he definitely was sewing his oats in different pastures… just not the ones I suspected. 

This raises a couple of red flags for me. One being, that a woman’s intuition is nothing to be taken lightly. He’s not sleeping with his friend, but there is obviously a reason why you are even worried about such a thing. Look deeper into why it is that you don’t trust your boyfriend.  Former mistress, Sarah Symonds, summed it up best by saying that if you feel like something is going on, you’re probably right.

I basically try and live by that little mantra. If something in my gut doesn’t feel right, I no longer ignore it. It’s only a matter of time before the truth rears its ugly head. So rather than drive yourself insane (incidentally driving your boyfriend insane), why not listen to that little voice. I’m willing to bet it’ll never lead you astray.



Why Did You Wear That: You’re Such a Stud

By |June 1st, 2010|Personal Style, Why Did You Wear That?|


At times I feel like I may have been a rocker in my past life. I like wild hair, smudgey eyeliner, loud music, and leather. But alas, my goldilocks looks prevent me from looking very edgey so I have to work against my all-American appearance by incorporating some tougher pieces into my wardrobe.  Since the majority of my time is, unfortunately, not spent scissor kicking on stage and smashing guitars, I have to do “rocker chic” in small doses. This means picking one or two pieces at a time and working them into my outfit to kick it up a notch. One of the easiest ways to do so, is adding something studded. Below are some suggestions of items that could be added to anyone’s closet to take you from Joan Collins to Joan Jett.


Alice and Olivia skinny studded jeans, $221


Lucca Couture studded tee, $42


RD Style studded vest, $84


Killah studded racerback top, $84.55


Steve Madden studded skirt, $45

l-jenni-kayne-black-seude-studded-sandal-sideJenni Kayne Gauntlet studded sandal, $495


Bebe enamel studded bracelet, $44


Mudd studded eternity scarf, $9.99


Cecilia De Bucourt square stud belt, $108

(and, of course, here is my version):


Remember to just do one or two studded pieces at a time to avoid looking like an over bedazzled Ed Hardy campaign.

Rock on.

