
What Are You Hiding?

By |August 25th, 2010|Why Did You Date Him?|


Yesterday on the drive to work, we tuned into the Ryan Seacrest show. The topic for this particular morning was a woman who had been dating a man for over a year and had yet to ever see his home. Um? He told her that he was fixing it up and remodeling it but did not want her to see it until it was totally perfect. Um?

They tried to trick him by calling and telling him he’d won free flowers and they could send the flowers to anyone he’d like. He requested to have them sent to the girl who called in with her concerns. Hm… So what was going on?

I mean, Ryan almost lost his %^&$ on this guy and I was right there with him. It just doesn’t make any sense as to why his “girlfriend” would not be permitted to see his home. It’s been over a YEAR. The gentleman insisted that he is just a very “private” person. Why this young lady was tolerating the situation is so far beyond me. Not only would I have not been okay with this, my antennas would have gone up. Does she have no access to a computer? A little internet stalking sure would do her some good. A couple swipes through Google, Twitter, and Facebook and she would have cracked the case by now. If all else failed, why would she not have just followed him “home” one day?

After a bit, Ryan opened up the phone lines to take some calls from listeners. One guy called in and said that obviously the man is cheating. Another woman called to say she had been through something very similar and lo and behold, the man was married. Finally, another woman called in and said she was in the SAME situation and that it was totally okay. What? %*^$!!??

This got me to wondering WHY on earth women tolerate such things? How desperate must you be to accept such crappy excuses? What do you guys think?

My vote? He’s a sociopath who lives in a meth lab with his mother and wife (which is obviously totally normal).



WhyDid Wisdom: A Bag Full of Shit

By |August 6th, 2010|WhyDid Wisdom|

C_67_article_2051345_body_articleblock_0_bodyimageAs we made our way up Runyon for the second time the other evening, we spied a plastic bag full of doggy doo. Hm… I understand that you are to clean up after your pooch, but wouldn’t you say that leaving it IN a plastic bag is worse than just leaving the doo right where it is? I should say so. While stinky and potentially hazardous to the bottom of your shoe, at least the naked doggy doo will eventually decompose as it would in nature and disappear as opposed to wrapping up the stinky doo in a pretty plastic bag and leaving it to sit and rot and never biodegrade.

This led me to thinking about people and their relationships. Why, oh why, can’t some people just seem to let things die? Why must they insist on wrapping up their doo doo in plastic bags and leaving it to fester?

Sometimes, people have a difficult time letting things go, and this is understandable, but, for those of you who just can not seem to get the point, I’d like to send you a copy of He’s Just Not That Into You. Painful as it may be, at times, it is best to just walk away with your head held high and dignity still in tact. So many times, we try and argue with the outcome and in reality, it’s never going to change anything.

Many bloggers and media personalities like to exploit their relationships publicly. I’m not exactly sure whether it’s in attempt to lure their lost lover back or just to draw more sympathy. Either way, it merely ends up making said individuals look sad and desperate. (Neither of which is particularly appealing to the opposite sex). If they were smart, they’d lay low on the love front. For example, I’ve clearly got quite the arena for blowing up all of my ex’s spots if I so choose to. However, I find this to be a little tacky and I prefer a bit of mystique around my personal life (if I even have one). I mean, to each his own. We’ve all go to pay the bills, and if that’s how you’ve got to drive traffic or to score a date, then so be it.

That being said, even people in every day life do the same thing. They broadcast inane details via Facebook and Twitter in an attempt to sound like they are “having such a blast!!” and are “soooo over you!!” when in reality, a little bit of silence would do you some good. Bloggers are making a living from it, but what are you gaining?

Why not just let the poo disintegrate? Why wrap it up in a plastic bag if you’re going to leave it behind? Maybe it’s best to let a sleeping dog lie. Tiptoe out the backdoor and let him drool.



WhyDid Wisdom: WhyDid Unplugged

By |July 29th, 2010|WhyDid Wisdom|


Once while home visiting my mom in West Virginia, she nearly threw my Blackberry at my head a la Naomi Campbell because I just would not/could not put it down. She was frustrated that I was constantly tapping away on it and not listening to her (little does she know that I am capable of two things at once!). I do, however understand her concern. I was being a bit obnoxious about it.

So when my phone conveniently fell into the toilet the last time I was home, my mom was secretly elated. (I wouldn’t be surprised if she paid off that toilet to trip me so I’d drop my phone). After that whole “rice” suggestion not really panning out, I was sitting around without a phone until my replacement was shipped. As mentioned, her computer is from 1999 and her home is not equipped with Wifi. Sigh. What’s a girl to do? How on earth was I going to keep up with Twitter updates and update my Facebook status?

We are an incredibly overstimulated society. There are far too many distractions for us. Family dinners are nearly non existent and the ones that are usually are drowned out by the garble on TV. Kids are being diagnosed left and right with ADD when they really are probably just overstimulated with all the Hannah Montana and Dora the Explorer going on. No one remembers how to pick up the phone anymore let alone pen a handwritten letter. We don’t even use full words anymore. “C U L8R!”

It’s so very easy to get caught up in our little social bubbles that we forget to just be totally quiet. When’s the last time you really had a moment to yourself? Complete peace and quiet?

I suggest taking an entire afternoon or even a weekend if you can muster up the courage to completely unplug and disconnect with the outside world so that you can re-connect with yourself. I’m willing to bet that the world will carry on as normal with or without your BBM’s.



Five Things To Do Online Rather Than Stalk Your Ex

By |July 21st, 2010|Why Did You Date Him?|


We all know that the internet is ruining our dating lives but are you spending your valuable time worrying about others’ web presence? I’ve spent my fair share of time internet stalking via Facebook and Twitter and good old fashion Google… but there’s only so many searches you can do online before you’ve become bored and run out of background checks to run. Below are some more useful ways to waste your time online.

  1. Look up something you didn’t know. Knowledge is power, my friends. I Google just about everything. I hate not knowing the answer to things and who doesn’t like to always win an argument? Nobody. Don’t try and argue with me.
  2. Read the news. Novel idea, I know, but some people are only up to date as to whether Jennifer Anniston is actually pregnant or not. Why not become worldly and have something more interesting than Jessica Alba’s new bob to talk about at dinner?
  3. Find out about your ancestry. I mean, this seems like a no brainer to me. Who doesn’t wanna find out that they’re actually related to the royal family of Paraguay?
  4. Shop. Another no brainer. I’m starting to think I may need to put “online shopping” as a “skill” on my resume. I really have a knack for it, but this is a skill that should be honed and can only be done so with hours of practice. Don’t have you size in store? Not a problem, pal. Just find it online and use the best coupon codes from websites like Raise while you’re at it.
  5. Manage your finances. I guess this is a pretty funny thing to mention after encouraging you to shop online, but having a handle on what you are spending is very important. You never want to be worried that your card will be declined when trying to purchase those new Louboutins, so getting your bills and banking set up online is key to keeping yourself in check.

So put down the mouse and stop worrying about what Tommy did last weekend. (Yes, we know you’re totes hotter than his new gf, but who cares?).



Watch WhyDid LIVE!

By |July 21st, 2010|Uncategorized|


So, despite the fact that I’m basically “techtarded” I’ve decided to go ahead and go live tomorrow on USTREAM to discuss the week’s happenings as well as field questions from all of my WhyDid readers. So please send in all of your questions about panty lines, cheating boyfriends, or my favorite type of pasta sauce via Twitter, Facebook, or comment below and tune in to watch LIVE tomorrow at 1pm Pacific time (CA) and 4pm Eastern time (NY). You will be able to send in questions and topics of discussion live as well. Can’t wait to see you then!

