
WhyDid Wisdom: Cut It Out

By |December 3rd, 2010|WhyDid Wisdom|

Today while Skyping with one of my besties in New York, we giggled about how at times, I go ahead and take the next exit to CrazyTown. That sometimes, I can be completely melodramatic. And quite honestly, I’m an emotional cutter.

This actually isn’t funny and I’m not like Demi Lovato cutting. I do not inflict physical harm on myself, but I do tend to enjoy inflicting emotional pain on myself. For some reason I like to see things that are going to hurt my feelings. I can’t explain it, but I find myself doing things that I know ahead of time are going to hurt me.  I’ve mentioned before that I have crazy P.I. skills and at times those can be really helpful, but at other times they can be totally detrimental to my mental well being.

Why on earth do I need to see that Twitpic? Why would I want to read something mean someone said about me? Why do I want to read blogs that totally rip me off? All very good questions. It’s almost like I enjoy feeling the pain. And don’t you worry. I’m not selfish with my pain. I like to share it with those around me.

It’s like when you have a cut in your mouth and you keep sticking your tongue in it.  Perhaps I’m a masochist. Maybe I’m self destructive. One thing’s for certain, I’m fully aware of my problem. That is again, a blessing and a curse. I’m happy to be well aware of my self abusive behavior, however, being aware of such makes me become responsible for myself.  So, the other day, I started taking steps forward in “cutting” this self cutting habit from my life. I started deleting toxic people from my life.

If you find yourself participating in this same behavior, ask yourself, “why?”  Is it that hard to just be happy?



The List Volume XXVII

By |November 12th, 2010|The List|

Have no fear, people. I will never let you down with the list.This week is a dedicated edition to break ups. They are hard, we know. Here are the ten things you need to do IMMEDIATELY upon breaking up to avoid any prolonging of pain for either party:

  1. Change relationship status on Facebook.
  2. Unfriend on Facebook/Unfollow on Twitter. You may as well do this while having the break up talk.
  3. Untag all pictures of the two of you looking blissful.
  4. Unfriend any of his/her friends that came as part of the package deal.
  5. Delete all electronic evidence of a former relationship: pictures, emails, voicemails, text messages, phone number, etc.
  6. Delete all physical evidence of a former relationship: clothing, beauty products, cards, letters, pictures, “mementos”, hair ties, etc.
  7. Cancel any pending plans: trips, plane tickets, outings.
  8. Return anything of value that may have been left as residual (COD, of course).
  9. If breakup is particularly ugly or protracted, implement blocks on Facebook, Twitter, phone, email.
  10. Remember there was a reason (or many) you took steps 1-9. Don’t look back.

Enjoy being single!



The List Volume XXII

By |October 8th, 2010|The List|


Let’s make it quick and painless, people. It’s been a long week and shawty needs a drank!

  1. Everybody (including Subway) jumping on the Twitter train. NO ONE cares what you ate for breakfast.
  2. Commercials that make no sense. What are you selling? Floors? Birds? Peanut butter? I can’t tell… but I’m hungry now.
  3. Kim Kardashian pretending that was the FIRST time she got Botox… C’mon girl…
  4. The Kardashians tackifying  NYC. Ugh. Stay in LA where you belong. Hell, I’ll even throw in Miami for you. akdjf;klsdjf;akdjf. I can’t even. Your outfits. GGHJIOHJKBHSDFBKS. Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian
  5. Brittney Jones. Shut. Up.
  6. Flavored coffe. It’s just bullshit. I mean, really.
  7. Fantasy football. Let’s be serious, this is just a less intellectual version of Dungeons and Dragons.
  8. Wannabe nerds. We GET it. The Social Network was great (though far from fact). I bet the real nerds of the world are PISSED. 5-steve-urkel
  9. The people who vote against my fashion faux pas each and every single time… You know who you are.
  10. People who leave garbage in the elevator. WTH?

Bartender, tequila on the rocks.



Sometimes You Gotta Be Your Own Girl

By |September 23rd, 2010|WhyDid Wisdom|


So, a friend of mine Tweeted this photo the other day with the caption, “sometimes you gotta be your own girl.” I mean, despite the fact that my heart exploded with joy upon seeing this picture, his quote really resonated. It got me to thinking about a lot of things. Why is it so hard for people to just be themselves? And why do they do things to make others happy instead of making themselves happy? Why can’t you just be you?

I’d be a liar to tell you that I’ve always known exactly who I was and done exactly what I’ve wanted to do all the time. In most cases, I think that’s to be expected. As adolescents and young adults, we try all kinds of things out. We dye our hair, we get piercings, we hang with different groups of friends, we switch majors, we change our minds, we make mistakes. All of these things are a normal part of getting to know yourself. It’s a big world out there. Sometimes it takes a little work to find your place in it.

When I start to worry about people is when they, as adults, still have no connection to their identity. This comes in several different formats. Do you fall into one of these?

  • The “Yes” Man: News Flash: It’s okay to have your own opinion. Hell, it’s okay to disagree! There’s nothing more obnoxious than someone who changes her views based on the direction of the wind. Depending on who you’re talking to, your opinion vacillates.
  • The Chameleon: You’re a bird, you’re a plane… you’re a? One week you’re wearing white pancake makeup and black lipstick, the next week your hair’s in a bow. Which one is it? I’m all for having a range of style, but come on! Save the dress up for Halloween.
  • The Copy Cat: Sure they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but honestly, it’s pretty freaking annoying. When I was in highschool, I got in a fight with a girl for cutting her hair like mine (not physical- I do not condone violence obvi- just a few snide comments and a hair flip). I wasn’t born a twin, I don’t wanna go out as one either.
  • The Stepford Wife: Why is it that girls try to act like their boyfriends? Why do you all of a sudden LOVE football? You’re carrying around a camera now and I can’t tell the difference between him talking and you talking. Did he fall in love with you or the persona you’ve created? If he fell in love with you, then he is going to continue loving you… not the robot you’ve become.

What I’m trying to say is blaze your own path. People respect and admire someone who is original and comfortable in her own skin. You can only play a “role” for so long before people start to catch on. Being yourself is the most beautiful thing you can be… even if that means you can’t carry a tune and sleep with your mouth open.

And just in line with the Thursday theme… here’s a little song (guilty, guilty pleasure) from my ex girl crushes, Girlicious:



The List XVII

By |August 27th, 2010|The List|

broken mirror

I mean, I’m about to start listing people by first name… But alas, I will save you the embarrassment.

  1. Turtlenecks in summer. I don’t care if it doesn’t have sleeves or is a dress.
  2. Girls with shitty hair who insist on growing it out. Know your role.
  3. While on the subject, not everyone is meant to be blonde. (This goes double for those of you not genetically predisposed).
  4. “Sunday Funday.” This couldn’t be more overused. It’s Sunday… guess what that means… Tomorrow’s Monday and everyone knows that’s not very fun.
  5. Shit talkers. How’s your breath? No, seriously. How is it?
  6. Guys who think the waitress wants to F&*#. She just wants a tip… and not the tip of your …
  7. Waitresses who whore themselves out to guys drinking beer. They are not big spenders and I need a refill. Thanks.
  8. Co-workers who throw out your lunch. Looks like I need my own Fridge Locker.
  9. People who re-Tweet celebrities, verified accounts, horoscopes, and quotes. We get it, they said EXACTLY what you were thinking. Chances are we’re all following them too, so we don’t need you to re-Tweet their shit. Thanks.
  10. YOU.

