
Smart Is the New Pretty: Socially Acceptable

By |April 18th, 2012|Smart Is the New Pretty, WhyDid Wisdom|

social media rubiks cubeIt’s funny, one of the first things I do in the morning (other than open my eyes) is look at my phone.  I mean, I need to see what I missed during those seven to eight hours of sleep.  Is the internet still there?  Are you still out there, world??




image via Tsunami Publicity

Smart is the New Pretty: Kids These Days…

By |March 28th, 2012|Smart Is the New Pretty, WhyDid Wisdom|

little girl writingThere will come a point in your life when you’ll come to the startling realization that you’ve become a stodgy old grump… something you thought you’d never be.  But alas, here you are; griping about terrible music, saggy pants, and kids these days…



WhyDid Wisdom: There Will Be Unicorns

By |February 2nd, 2012|WhyDid Wisdom|

Hamlet and Ophelia

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”  – Hamlet Act III, scene III

You’ve probably heard this quote before… or maybe even even (mis)quoted it yourself.  But what does it really mean?  When this phrase is uttered (incorrectly or not), it is meant to say that one is so adamantly opposed to the “charge”, that one’s objection may indicate the exact opposite.

Have you ever caught someone in the midst of a lie and when you question that person, the alibi is so airtight that it’s almost too perfect?  There is such an elaborate excuse that you can tell it’s been pre-meditated?  Right around that time is when your antennae should go up and your brow should furrow.  Talk about a red flag.  The party in question is basically giving him/herself away.

It’s like when my dog (Smitty) pees on something.  He gets all worked up and it’s a dead giveaway.  Guilty as charged… hence another popular phrase, “Guilty dog barks the loudest.”

May seem like a straightforward explanation, but protest can also take the form of boasting or bragging.  As we all know (or at least should), boastfulness most times stems from deep insecurity.  Those who paint the prettiest pictures are usually the ones with the most to hide.

When I scroll through my Facebook feed and see people leaving elaborate status updates about how great life is or how much they are “over it” or how in love they are with his/her boyfriend/girlfriend, I feel really embarrassed for those individuals.  Partly because I’ve definitely been guilty of doing it before… so I can spot it from a mile away.  Here’s the thing, people who are living really fabulous lives are out doing just that… living their fabulous lives.  Not updating their Facebook pages.  People who are deeply in love with someone don’t have to broadcast it.  People who are over it… are over it.

So, next time you’re feeling bummed cause you see that everyone is out popping bottles alongside Jay-Z at the hottest club on the planet and there are models and unicorns- UNICORNS- there, just chuckle to yourself knowing that this is really code for sitting home alone watching Golden Girls with a quart of Haagen Dazs and there’s probably a cat involved… not that there’s anything wrong with that either.

The rest is silence.



The List Volume LXII

By |December 24th, 2011|The List|

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, I had nothing to wear… not even a blouse.  The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, but it doesn’t matter til I’m done with my hair…

I’m no Grinch.  There are so many things I love about Christmastime, but let’s be serious… it can’t all be snowflakes and reindeer.  Let’s break down some of the beyond obnoxious parts about Christmas.  Be sure to leave your Christmas gripes in the comments.

  1. The pressure to pretend my Christmas is SO MUCH MORE FUN THAN YOURS AND I’M GOING TO DOCUMENT IT ALL ON FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, and ANY OTHER PLATFORM YOU CAN STALK ME ON.  Who are we kidding?  I’m hanging out with family doing the same thing you are.
  2. People who go into debt over holiday shopping.
  3. Candy canes.  Hate to point out the obvious but they’re just glorified peppermints- ‘cept harder to eat when you get down to that dumb hook part.
  4. Small talk with estranged family members.  Pass the yams, please.  I can’t explain what a blog is again.
  5. Gratuitous Facebook gift updates.  This isn’t acceptable past the age of 9.  And if you’re 9, then you shouldn’t even be on Facebook (or reading this blog).
  6. Having to feign delight over a truly shitastic gift.  Makes a gift card seem s a whole lot more appealing.
  7. Receiving an orange in your stocking.  I mean, come on.  That’s just filler.
  8. Knowing that my Christmas card (and smiling face) is about one week away from the garbage can.
  9. Your “Christmas Eve” outfit pics.  That’s cool, cause I’m in a giant T-shirt and leggings with a glass of wine and silly socks.
  10. Stowing away all the Christmas decorations and taking down the Christmas tree.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.


Smart is the New Pretty: Holidating

By |December 7th, 2011|Smart Is the New Pretty, WhyDid Wisdom|

Oh yes, it’s time to start the countdown to the holiday season.  Along with all the shopping, soiree’ing, and snowmen building (okay, maybe not)- there’s also probably some holiday smooching in the plans.

  • Groupon has acquired OpenCal which will help you to “schedule” all of your impending appointments. [TechCrunch]
  • But perhaps you are only interested in keeping track of the 25th of December.  Here are five free apps that will help you do just that. [Mashable]
  • Facebook is counting down too… but they are counting the most popular status trends of 2011. [Mashable]
  • Speaking of status updates.  I hear you’re headed out on a first date.  Having trouble trying to figure out what to wear?  The new PickWhichPic app allows you to call your friends in for reinforcement (and is free until Christmas).
  • Realize that you hate everything in your closet?  The Poshmark app will help you clean out your closet and make a little cash. [Refinery 29]
  • Hopefully your date is in advertising… cause you may want to avoid dating investment bankers.  Okay, not all of them.  Just this one. [Gawker]
  • You may, however, want to start dating your lawyer. Free legal pads, anyone? [Gawker]
  • And in case your date does go well, here are ten recipes for the most perfect pancakes. [HuffingtonPost]
  • Then you can write a poem about how much your enjoyed your date on Opuss, you creep. [TechCrunch]


Photo via The Art of Manliness (who happens to have a great holiday date list)