
Why Did You Wear That: Peeling Out

By |March 14th, 2009|Celebrity Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

Is that a banana in your dress, Angie?  Or are you just happy to see me?


Disregarding the fact that I think she is an alien and Brad looks drunk/constipated/slightly wonk, I can not understand why she has some sort of banana popping out of her LBD (little black dress).  Maybe they don’t serve hor d’ouevres at the British Academy Film Awards.



We’re All Bitches

By |March 13th, 2009|Somethin for the fellas, Uncategorized, Why Did You Date Him?|

(Please note, this post is for you ladies as well.  For you, “They’re All Dogs” is the title.)

New York is a city full of millions of people and while you may be surrounded by hundreds of people at any given moment, sometimes you still feel completely alone.  Hence, this brings up the question, “Should I get a girlfriend or a dog?” (My friend, swear to you, just asked me this five minutes ago).


Nine times out of ten, I am going to go with the dog.  I may be slightly biased because I happen to have the most awesome dog on the planet, but I do have reasoning to back up my vote for the dog.

  • They can’t talk- or talk back. (Barking does not count- annoying as it may be at times).
  • Buying your furry bitch a shirt from Trixie and Peanut is far cheaper than buying your unfurry (hopefully) bitch a shirt from Prada.
  • Unconditional love. Period. End of story.  They do not care if you look like crap, you smell funky, or you didn’t email them enough today at work.
  • They always want to cuddle and you don’t have to suffer through a round of jack rabbit sex to get a good snuggle.
  • No matter what time you get home, they are ALWAYS psyched to see you.  Rather than your gf (bf) tapping her (his) foot when you stroll (stumble) in at 4am.
  • Beneful is a hell of a lot cheaper than a meal at Nobu.
  • They are incredibly loyal.  Your dog is not going to cheat on you, leave you for a new owner, or run off to Vegas for the weekend.
  • Honestly, at the end of the day, I would much rather clean up literal shit than figurative shit.

So there you have it.  Now get to the local animal shelter and adopt yourself the ultimate companion.



Why Did Did You Wear That: Don’tcha

By |March 13th, 2009|Celebrity Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

I found this photo to be a teeny bit concering:


For several reasons.

  • This is Nicole Scherzinger (of the Pussycat Dolls) in case you had no idea, which I wouldn’t blame you for.
  • Since when are saris/burkas worn by random civilians who are not required to wear them?
  • Since when are saris/burkas worn with jeans and hoe boots?
  • I am confused, is it hot or cold outside?
  • When is the last time Nicole ate a meal? Someone fetch this woman a sandwich.
  • How many times has she watched Slumdog Millionaire?

Why Did You Wear That: Jessica Simpson

By |March 12th, 2009|Celebrity Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

Dear Jessica Simpson,
Thank you. Thank you for wearing short shorts that are completely inappropriate for your body type. Thank you for finally giving in and realizing that you are never going to be rail thin and are not, in fact, a size 25.  Thank you for making me feel better about eating truffle mac and cheese last night.


Luckily for Jess, denim cut offs are making a come back for summer, so she’s spared there.  Unfortunately for Jess, wearing an eyelet bustier and plaid flannel shirt with her cut offs looks ridiculous.  We get it. You’re going country. (P.S. I think she’s hungry and trying to eat the microphone. Someone get her a snack so she doesn’t chip a tooth).


I hope that audience members seated in the first two rows of this performance were given some sort of protective eyewear because at any given moment, her bustier is about to burst open and those little hook and eyes are going to go flying! (Can you say, “lawsuit”?)


Ah, yes.  The ever so sweet dance moves of J. Simp.  Do you remember the “Little Bit” video?  Yes, I’ve had beef (pun intended) with Jessica since ’99.

Anyway, thanks again, Jess for making us all feel better about our thighs today.



Why Did You Wear That: Heidi Ho

By |March 11th, 2009|Celebrity Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

Okay, this one isn’t so much about what she’s wearing… but more about Why Did You Do That To Your Face??

Remember when Heidi Montag was Lauren Conrad’s awesome, supportive bff?  The one who would jump in a cab with her on NYE when she had a fight with her douchey boyfriend?  Well, apparently, she traded in her sweet personality when she traded in her face:


WTF? Who is this girl?  The nose, the boobs, the lips! Nearly unrecognizable.  I will say, she definitely upgraded in the hair department.  Maybe she should slip LC her hairdresser’s card.

Oh… and here’s one for good measure:


I will just ignore Spencer altogether, but what is up with her boots?  Not to mention her hideously matching scarf and bag. Seriously though.  White boots?

