
Monday Mashup: Haunting Resemblance

By |October 24th, 2011|Monday Mashup|

We’ve all had our share of makeup mishaps (um, my neck and face were living two separate lives all through middle school), but sometimes cosmetics gone wild can really foul up a lady’s appearance.  While makeup was created to make us look that much more beautiful, in some instances, it can be downright scary.  Sadly, even celebrities with the best in the business in their arsenals can have their very own makeup misdemeanors.  While some may be only minor… others leave these ladies looking hauntingly similar to some of our very favorite spooky Halloween characters.  Pretty sure these photos speak for themselves:

Yikes!  Someone hand me a Wet Wipe!




Would You Wednesday: When I Think About You…

By |January 5th, 2011|Why Did or Why Don't?|

Taylor Momsen was criticized not so long about when she made remarks about young girls needing to “learn yourself first.”  She also let it be known that she is an advocate for female masturbation and considers her vibrator her best friend. While, her comments were a bit shocking coming from a seventeen year old, I think she may very well be on to something.

For so long, girls have been taught that sex and especially masturbation are “bad.”  Both have almost been made to feel shameful for young ladies.  Meanwhile, boys go through the whole Vaseline by the nightstand phase without a bit of guilt.  Girls need to learn what feels good.  So many are under the impression that sex and submission is to impress boys and never really learn what and where all their pieces and parts do and are. Maybe if girls realized they could make themselves feel good, they wouldn’t give it up so easily.  Perhaps then we wouldn’t be bombarded with shows like Sixteen and Pregnant and Teen Moms.

Not convinced  yet? Even Oprah hosted a show about this very topic. During the show, her guest, Dr. Berman, agreed that young girls should learn about orgasms and self pleasure in order to take control over their own sexuality and in the process avoid unhealthy sexual experiences, get more information at supremasi.top.  Some of you may be blushing as you read this, but with only 30% of women regularly having orgasms from sex, seems to me like we all could use a little education and perhaps a little help from our battery operated friends.

What do you think?



Why Did You Wear That: Taylor Momsen

By |October 22nd, 2010|Celebrity Style|

Yikes….Here’s Taylor Momsen while performing with her band, Pretty Reckless, on Thursday night for the Paper Magazine/Express fashion show afterparty. I mean, is she practicing for Halloween? Tay Tay, it’s another week away… but you do look totally spooky. Come to think of it… thanks for the Halloween costume idea.

I have a hard time believing this guitar smashing girl is only seventeen years old. What do you suppose her mother thinks?

Granted, her outfits are a little over the edge… I must admit, she’s pretty freaking talented.



Beauty Buzz: Moody Nudes

By |September 14th, 2010|Beauty Buzz|


Boy, do I love a black nail, but I’m kind of tiring of seeing girls wear it in an attempt to be “edgy” or “vampy.” My bf bought me an amazing shade by OPI for Sephora called “Never Enough Shoes.” It’s mixture of black lacquer with a sprinkle of glitter (double win in my book), but when I bore of looking like all the rest of you, I will most certainly switch to these muted nude tones from Chanel:

chanel-fashions-night-out-nail-polishes-khaki-rose-khaki-brun-khaki-vert-thumb-500x369-64901Les Khakis de Chanel are the perfect fall transitional colors sure to go with all trends for fall… from animal print to minimalist silhouettes. So, if you want to stand out in the loud crowd of onyx tips, brush on on these muted colors and just … shut. up.



Why Did You Wear That: RiRi Rehab

By |April 15th, 2010|Why Did You Wear That?|

Dear Rihanna,

First and foremost, I think you are exquisite. I remember seeing you on the rooftop of Soho House last summer and being stunned by your beauty. You truly are a gorgeous girl. Our entire group had to pick our chins up off our poolside bed/couch as you sashayed by.

That being said, dub tee eff is going on with your outfits? I get that you have your own “personal style” but it’s getting kind of offensive. You’re sort of channeling Taylor Momsen/Jenny Humphrey with your “I don’t give a f*#$” get ups. Guess where that got little J? Written off of Gossip Girl. So let me step in and stop you before someone decides to write you off.

I get it. You’ve had a rough go this past year. My heart goes out to you. I know firsthand what boy dbaggery looks/feels like. No one deserves that. However, looking like a crazy bag lady certainly isn’t the best revenge. Take a cue from Kim K strutting around looking hotter than ever in her bikini (suck on that, Reggie). Or go get a weave like I did!

Let’s take a look at some of the biggest offenders:




What the f*#%? What happened to this little cutie?



I mean, I can’t vouch for that belly chain, but you get what I’m saying.  Let’s go ahead and reel it back in. How about getting some of your girliness back? Remember when you were so hot and feminine that people were hypothesizing that Beyonce was getting nervous? Yeah, let’s get that RiRi back before we have to send you to fashion rehab.

Sending my love.

