
Why Did You Wear That: Up on the Roof

By |July 24th, 2013|Personal Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

kirsten smithWhen I walked out of my grey carpeted, grey walled, grey everything office on my last day of work, I knew I never wanted to be stuck in a corporate cubicle ever again.  Ever.  I started WhyDid while working that 9-5 (more like 8-8) job and made it my priority a year later.  Sure, I wrote my first book at age ten, but I hadn’t even realized how much I enjoyed writing until over ten years later.  I’ve now been fortunate enough to turn something I love to do, into what I do for a living.

While not having to report to an office sure has its perks (like wine at lunch), working from home can become pretty isolating.  I don’t have to get dressed or even shower before making it from my bed to my computer.  I don’t need to come in contact with humans on a daily basis if I don’t want to.  And it’s fairly easy to get totally sidetracked.  I have a beautiful apartment, but staring at the same four walls day in and day out can be less than inspiring.  Luckily, I have a very special creative oasis just an elevator ride away.  Arguably, I have one of the best rooftops in Manhattan.  I can see in all directions, and being by the water allows for a little breeze, which is crucial during these oppressively hot summer days.  I mean, there’s even WiFi.  My only complaint?  No electrical outlets, which only allows me to work for as long as my batteries will last.  So, management, if you’re reading this…

kirsten smith

kirsten smith

kirsten smith

kirsten smith

kirsten smith

kirsten smith

kirsten smith

kirsten smitty

kirsten smithtop: Brandy Melville (similar), shorts: Brandy Melville (similar), sunglasses: Ray-Ban, bracelets: Alex and Ani, necklace: Nina Nguyen, shoes: Charles David, bag: Diane von Furstenberg (similar), dog: Smitty

Rough day at the office.



Photo credit: Michael Stiegler

Setting the Mood: New York, I Love You.

By |April 25th, 2013|Setting the Mood|

new york cityIt’s true.  I’m in love.  And this time I think it may actually work out.

That’s because I’ve fallen for the city where I live.  Now, I realize this probably doesn’t come as a surprise to some of you, but let’s not forget about that time I left New York for somewhere sunnier and, well, new.  You see, just like any relationship, the bond can either be broken or bolstered by a break.  For me, it has most certainly cemented my feelings for Manhattan.

It occurred to me while walking Smitty one morning (my most favorite part of the day, followed closely by Pilates) that my heart was full and it wasn’t thanks to some dapper dude.  Every neighborhood has something new to discover and so long as you keep your eyes peeled, you’ll notice something you’d never noticed before every single day.  Sometimes I try and put into words how magical this city is, but no one can truly understand it until they’ve been here, especially during those few weeks of spring before the city turns into an involuntary sauna.  People here say, wear, and do the strangest things.  I often just find myself smiling at the peculiar behavior and “devil may care” demeanor.  That is, of course, right before I flip out and reach into my expletive word bank.  And so, I’ve been keeping my camera handy, trying to capture the moments that capture me to share with you.

And just when you think it can’t get any more magical, the wind blows and petals sprinkle down on you like confetti.

Let’s never fight again.



all images are property of WhyDid.com

Why Did You Wear That: Laundry Day

By |June 27th, 2012|Personal Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

kirsten smith doing laundry

There are so many things I love about living in Manhattan: grocery delivery, all night diners, cabs on every corner.  Things that make life so much more convenient that at times you begin to wonder how you ever lived without them.  However, there is one small thing that isn’t always such a cinch.  That dreaded thing happens to be laundry.  Granted, no one enjoys doing laundry, but in New York, if you aren’t fortunate enough to have an in apartment washer and dryer, you are left with one of two choices.  Send your laundry out and allow a stranger to manhandle your unmentionables (not to mention allowing said stranger to discern what does and does not belong in the dryer) or do your laundry yourself.  The latter would require you to sit and sweat while your socks hit the spin cycle.  It’s not like you could leave your beloved laundry in fear of someone stealing it… or dumping it out to access the dryer for themselves.  So, this past weekend, I chose the somewhat lesser of two evils (I needed my underwear STAT and Little J’s couldn’t launder me til Monday).  Making the best of things and not having anything left to wear, I played a little game of dress up and sported my very last pair of striped socks with a floral frock and floral sandals.  Hey, you never know what kind of cutie might be sudsing up his stuff in the next machine…

washing machines

doing laundry

folding laundry

floral dress and shoesdress: Forever21 (similar here), shoes: Nordstrom Rack (similar here), socks: your guess is as good as mine (try these)

Fluff n’ fold.



Weekend Playlist: An Ode to the Big Apple

By |January 7th, 2012|Weekend Playlist|

Have I mentioned how much I love New York?  No?  Well, I do.  And while my adoration of the Big Apple may seem a bit “obsessive” to some, I’m not alone in my love affair.  More musicians than I can count have written love songs and odes to the city that never sleeps.  Now, my compilation doesn’t even begin to encompass all the ditties that reference New York, but it’s a start.

New York, New York.




WhyDid Wisdom: Vacation vs Evacuation

By |November 4th, 2010|WhyDid Wisdom|

Almost four months ago, I left the Big Apple for the City of Angels. I had really only planned on a weekend getaway (we can get into the specifics later), but once there, I never left.  While the weather is beautiful and the outlook is sunny, I didn’t stay in Los Angeles because I loved the city. Some would jump to that conclusion, but they’d be sorely mistaken.

As anyone who’s lived in Manhattan knows, that city can really wear you out. Just the day to day routine is terribly tiresome and not for the faint of heart. At times it feels as if you are in an abusive relationship. You sometimes hate the very same city you love so much. Cursing it one moment and cursing anyone out who dare speak a bad word about it the next. While the shopping, restaurants, beautiful and interesting people, and sheer energy are enough to make you want to stay, New York City is no joke. No one gets by in Gotham on just charm alone. After five years of pounding the pavement and surviving the city, I was running out of steam. So when the prospect of Los Angeles popped up, I was game.

I hadn’t been to LA since visiting my brother nearly eight years prior, but I remembered liking LA well enough. And who am I to argue with a free trip to sun, fun, and palm trees? So I hopped on that Virgin America Flight in July and waved fair well to my home.

I’m not going to spend time bashing LA (at least not today), but let’s just say that going from New York to Los Angeles is like Bambi trying to walk on ice.  It’s certainly an adjustment and at times can be awkward and hard to watch. I’m fairly certain the same is true for Angeleno transplants in NY. Bottom line: they are two very different beasts. Despite the fact that I lived for a couple of months with only the contents of a carry on, there were more growing pains than that alone.

Traffic, inflated egos, lack of a decent bagel, and laughable sense of community were not helping my homesickness. Had I not found a couple of good (read: the only) reasons to stick around (love and career), I would have been on the next flight back to JFK… and step on it! It became abundantly clear, that I was not meant to live in Los Angeles and no amount of shoreline was going to change that. But alas… I’d made my bed. Time to lay in it.

It’s kind of like when you have a fight or a rough patch with a friend or your mate. While you may feel like you need to pick up and run to the nearest exit, perhaps all you need is a little break. You’d better be pretty sure about your decision before you make it.

I still don’t feel like I live in Los Angeles and I haven’t given up my New York apartment just yet. I consider this an extended vacation/social experiment. I plan on enjoying all that I can about LA until it is check out time. Thankfully, there is light at the end of this tunnel and there are certainly far worse places to be.

Now that Manhattan and I are in a long distance relationship, I long for the little things I once took for granted. I guess it’s true what they say, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder” and the grass is not always greener (especially since there isn’t any in Manhattan). The moral of the story is I may have been a bit rash in my decision. What I needed was a vacation… not an evacuation.

