
Why Don’t You Write? Why Don’t You Call?

By |March 3rd, 2011|WhyDid Wisdom|

You never write.  You never call.

Sound familiar?  Probably something you’ve heard from mom or dad or maybe even grandma.  Our parents have had to give in to text messaging and joining Facebook just to keep tabs on us.  My entire family is now on Facebook and quite honestly, it’s frightening.  Remember when Facebook was simply a place for people with college email addresses?  Remember when you didn’t have to police your tagged photos? Anyway –not my point.

Our generation relies heavily on the internet and our cell phones.  I bet a lot of you can’t even go fifteen minutes without touching your iPhone/Blackberry. Go ahead, try it… I’ll wait.  While a lot of this is fantastic and we are lucky to have so much technology at our fingertips, we’ve kind of turned into blithering idiots.

Yes, yes, we know how to code and tag and blog and tweet.  Unfortunately, we can hardly compose a sentence anymore and I can’t even imagine what we would do without spellcheck.  Guys ask girls out via text message (lame) and people meet on Twitter (lamer).  No one knows how to even pick up the phone anymore (lamest). When did we become so technologically dependent?  Our grandparents would be appalled by our social etiquette (or lack thereof).  I don’t care if they have invented “netiquette.”  That is just a cop out word created to make us feel better about our social inadequacies.

customizable stationery from Paperless Post

Giving someone a Facebook “shoutout” on their birthday or a “Happy Thanksgiving” mass text during the holidays is just plain impersonal.  Send me a mass text, I dare you.  Newsflash: an e-mail does not = a letter.  Seriously, when is the last time you sent a hand written “thank you” note?  I’m surprised the paper industry is still in business!  We don’t even send out actual paper invitations anymore (unless we’re talking wedding- which is probably single handedly what’s keeping paper stores afloat).  Instead we send evites and Facebook event invitations.  What are we? Heathens?

An ex boyfriend once mailed me a card a month into dating to tell me how much he had enjoyed the past few weeks we’d spent together.  We lived in the same city, there was no need to actually mail me something, but the simple gesture won serious bonus points in my book.  (Step one in Bamboozle 101).  Sure, I said ex boyfriend, but I dated him for another 15 months after that darn card- so it counts for something.

Have you ever been into a stationery store?  It’s like fashion for paper!  Not sure why you wouldn’t take delight in designing your own stationery or picking out beautifully created notecards. OR if you’re really crafty, you could even make your own!

stationery from Retta Le Ritz

You have no idea how much it means to receive a handwritten note, or if you’re lucky, letter from someone.  I mean, how do you plan on scrapbooking an email?  So, I urge you to put down your phone.  Close your laptop.  And pick up a pen.  Perhaps this is one instance where going back in time could benefit us greatly.



All Business or All Talk?

By |July 31st, 2010|Uncategorized|


Speaking of cellphones, while sitting at dinner with friends one night, the topic of Blackberry versus iPhone came up. I have always had a theory that New Yorkers are more Blackberry users while LA folks seem to be bigger fans of the iPhone. While it was three of us at the table (myself and a girlfriend having Blackberries) the odd man out was my friend with an iPhone.

She nearly chucked a bowl of edamame at us when we proclaimed that Blackberry users are actually using their phones for “work” and iPhone users are just having “fun.” I, personally, can not imagine trying to peck out an email to a client on that creepy touch screen. (I’ve seen what autocorrect is capable of). I can understand that “creative” people need a phone with more “graphic” capabilities, but in the grand scheme of things, I think iPhones are just fun and flash and Blackberries are all business.

Tip #1: Consider a Second Phone for Business
As the old adage goes, it’s not good to mix business with pleasure. For some of us, we have difficulty switching off, a second phone may help. It can be a great way to create work-life balance, as you want to really focus and investing in yourself is important so you won’t want distractions. It may also help you avoid distractions like games and your personal social media accounts while working. You can also minimize security risks that could happen when you have only one phone for work and personal use.

Tip #2: Secure your iPhone
iOS is a pretty secure system, but it’s not totally bullet-proof. A clever and relentless hacker will always find a way through your iPhone if you’re not careful with its security. Explore your phone’s security features and adjust them to be suitable for your business needs. At a very basic level, you should make sure that your iOS is always up to date. It’s also wise to avoid keeping sensitive files on your iPhone.

Tip #3: Use Multi Platform Apps
Apps that work on a variety of platforms can improve your work flexibility and efficiency. When your tools sync across platforms, you can work continuously, whether you’re using your iPhone, laptop or computer, and whether you’re using Mac or Windows. These apps also allow you to stay connected with your team wherever you are, allowing for improved collaboration.

Tip #4: Keep Things Simple
There are thousands of apps out there for addressing specific needs and improving the flow of your business. It’s tempting to fill your phone with a multitude of apps providing the work solutions you think you need. Try to limit your usage to a handful of apps that can perform multiple functions. Too many apps installed on your phone can slow it down, destroy your battery, and is likely to lead to inefficiencies. You can waste a lot of time switching from app to app just to get your work done.

Tip #5: Establish Communication Protocols
One of the advantages of running your business through your iPhone is you get to be connected to your team 24/7, look for the benefits provided by business phone systems uk to adapt your company to the best phone provider network. Just because you’re always connected, doesn’t mean you should contact them any time of the day, and vice versa. You need a healthy culture for your business. Answering endless messages can be distracting and a drain on your time and energy. It can also affect the work-life balance of your team. To make your team communication more balanced and effective, you should establish protocols on how you can connect with them and how they should connect with you. For example, you can use Slack for non-urgent matters, text for urgent issues, and calls for emergencies.

Tip #6: Augment Your Phone with Tools
There are plenty of accessories and tools that you can use with your iPhone to extend its capacity and usability. If you select the right tools and accessories for your business, you can make your workflow easier and more efficient. One example is the Bluetooth earphone—it allows you to call and receive calls hands-free and keep using your phone for other tasks. Another is the Bluetooth keyboard. You can pair this device with your iPhone so you can type longer messages or work with documents even when you’re away from your computer.

Tip #7: Set a Time for Switching off Your Work Phone
Earlier we mentioned how staying connected 24/7 can affect your work-life balance. With this in mind, you should set a specific time for switching off your work phone. This means you’re off the clock. With your phone off, you can rest and relax. You can focus on personal things, such as spending time with your family or engaging in your hobbies.

What I really want to know is what you think? Do you have an iPhone or a Blackberry? Is one more serious than the other? Tell me!!!



Real People, Real Style: Doing it Wright

By |July 20th, 2009|Real People Real Style|

jennifer wrightThis stunner  must be good at her job. In this outfit, she is “marketing” all of her best assets.

Name:  Jennifer Wright

Wearing:  Dress by H&M, Bebe shoes

Occupation:   Account Executive at Kaiser Marketing

Hometown:  Wheeling, West Virginia

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and your bag was only big enough for 3 items, what would they be?

  • iPhone, so I can tweet to come save me.
  • Peanut Butter- makes everything taste delicious since I’ll probably have to eat a couple bugs.
  • A book on how to make rafts out of sand so I can float home.

Favorite beauty product: Karen Scott capillary concealer.

Style icon:  I don’t really have one.  I like the way Rachel Bilson dresses…. I’ll guess I’ll embrace that one.
This summer I can’t wait to wear:  My new stripper bikini from a random store in Hollywood.  Yes, I’m serious.  I really love it.

Style tip for all the fashion degenerates:  Don’t try so hard to be “different.”  You just look like everyone else trying to be different… be yourself!

Best Splurge (it was worth every penny):  My T3 Featherweight Hair Dryer Tourmaline Professional Ceramic Ionic Hair Dryer – I swear by it, my hair should be falling out at this point… but it’s still going strong!

Trend you’d like to see die:  MC hammer pants aren’t hot unless you have a 4 foot crotch.

Currently coveting:  The perfect black clutch.  Potentially Tory Burtch’s Reva Clutch? Not 100% though…any ideas?

Fun fact:  I really love the city of Pittsburgh.  It is the most amazing place in the world!  City of Champs!

Biggest personal fashion flop:  WHY DID I think it was okay to wear belly shirts in 2005?

Well, Jen, we’ll forgive you for the crop tops cause it looks like since then, you’ve been doing all the “Wright” things.

