
Why Did You Wear That: NYE, What Were YOU Wearing?

By |January 13th, 2009|Why Did You Wear That?|

Happy very belated New Year! I realize that I have been totally slacking on posting pictures of slutty girls wearing clothing made from synthetic material. So here you go. A wrap up of some of NYE 2008/2009’s worst fashion tragedies. Enjoy! xx


This looks like a seemingly normal group of young people out for a fun night on the town. However, the girl with the nip slip should resolve to get new friends in 2009. Whether her shirt “accidentally” flopped over to the side to reveal her sparkly bikini top and her friends didn’t bother to fix it pre-photo or if they just let her walk out of the house like that, they are bad friends and should be replaced immediately. (more…)

Why Did You Wear That: The WORST Trends of 2008

By |December 31st, 2008|Why Did You Wear That?|

With the end of 2008 just around the corner, it is time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the year ahead. With this comes time to make New Year’s resolutions to better ourselves and hopefully to resolve from wearing ugly clothing.

Clearly, I have quite a few that I would like to never see again.. ahem.. Leggings as Pants… But, I have asked some of my savvy and stylish girlfriends which trends of 2008 they  hated the most: (more…)

Why Did You Wear That: Dear Beyonce,

By |December 30th, 2008|Celebrity Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

First of all, let me say, you are one of the baddest chicks on the block. You know how to work your curves (and have taught so many women to love their bodies), you have unbelievable confidence, and you can sing your butt off (though I wouldn’t recommend it, cause I think your male fans would be devastated). Plus, I give any woman credit who can lock a man like Jay-Z down.

However, your performance outfit last night on the World Music Awards, was personally offensive. Leggings as pants? Really? And latex ones at that? You have just set me back about 1000 years on this “don’t wear leggings as pants” campaign. Since so many women/girls look up to you, now they are going to think it is, in fact, okay to wear leggings as pants.



Why Did You Wear That: Peep This…

By |December 29th, 2008|Why Did You Wear That?|

It’s that time of year filled with lots of parties and reasons to dress up. For you ladies in warm climates, you are lucky enough not to be plagued with matching hosiery to your party dresses. You can show off your lovely gams without a second thought. Unfortunately for the girls in the North, it’s time to figure out how to coordinate that killer dress, tights, and shoes. (The naked leg this time of year in a cold climate is just seasonally inappropriate and you will look incredibly unaware).

So, my friend brought up a very interesting question today: Is it okay to wear hose/tights with open toe shoes?

Well, I think there is a “yes” and a “no” to this question. It really just depends on how you plan on wearing it. (more…)

Why Did You Wear That: What Was She Wearing On Her Head?

By |December 23rd, 2008|Celebrity Style, Why Did You Wear That?|


For anyone who watched The Hills finale last night, you are probably wondering, “What on earth was Whitney wearing on her head?” I am too. (Yes, I watched The Hills. It’s like a car crash, you can’t help but look).

I understand it was a “party” and all, but a flower crown? I haven’t seen one of those since my 5th birthday party. Whitney, who is normally very well dressed and pulled together really threw a curve ball last night.

I understand now she’s living in “the big city” and everything, but I live in New York and I do NOT see girls running around with flower headbands, especially not in the 13 degree weather (yes, that’s how cold it was here last night).

Anyone want to try and explain this?

I will scream if I start seeing girls wearing these things on their heads now that Whitney did.

