
Why Did You Wear That: Three Strikes and You’re Out!

By |December 11th, 2009|Celebrity Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

While perusing DListed today, I caught sight of something that disturbed me… more than normal.



Oh, I’m sorry, Ms. Anderson, did I NOT already talk to you about this outfit?? Let’s go ahead and overlook the fact that you’re carrying around a book about “big penises” and just talk about you not only RE-WEARING a dress, but a dress that was unflattering and ugly the FIRST time you wore it.  I heard you were having some financial troubles, but I can’t imagine that things got so bad that you needed to recycle FUPA enhancing frocks. Oh Pam… you could always make another sex tape. Cougars are all the rage these days. Just a suggestion.



Why Did You Wear That: Somebody Call 911…

By |August 4th, 2009|Celebrity Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

I know it’s probably not nice to pick on poor Mischa after being hospitalized for a mental breakdown, but…


Seriously???  I’m thinking that perhaps this photo is, in fact, actually what may have caused her hospitalization.  After seeing herself looking like a complete and utter train wreck, she realized she had truly lost her mind. Not sure exactly where to start, but I guess the dress is as good a place as any.

It looks like a reject from Frederick’s of Hollywood or perhaps she is taking Shark Week a little too seriously and was going for the “I just got attacked by Jaws and lived to tell about it” look.  Either way, it’s a disaster and her FUPA is in full view. Ever heard of Spanx?

Tights in July/August? Probably not unless you are living much closer to the North/South Pole. Rule of thumb, if your dress is too short to be worn without tights, you probably shouldn’t be wearing it and it’s probably actually a shirt.

Her bloated head, crazy eyes, and mangled mane aren’t really helping her look either. She needs a blow out and dry shampoo STAT.

Cherry on top? The woman in the left of this photo who seems to be biting her lip and thinking, “Oooh, girl…”  We’re with you, lady.

I hope that Mischa comes out of the hospital looking as fresh as she did in her days as Marissa on The OC.  Along with a little rehab and a few self help books, she could probably use a style exorcism. Sending our love, Mischa.



Girl Crush: Not News to Us

By |July 21st, 2009|Celebrity Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

Not only does she deliver all the latest in celebrity news on E! every night, she’s a published author, devoted wife, and soon to be reality star.  That equates to a very hectic schedule and a lot of wardrobe changes.

Always polished, always adorable, Giuliana has mastered how to dress her body.  She wears outfits from H&M to Bebe to Robert Rodriguez without skipping a beat.



Why Did You Wear That: Lady WhyDid

By |June 9th, 2009|Celebrity Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

Okay… this is going to basically go against all that is “WhyDid”, but I can’t help it. I am gaga over Lady Gaga.  She is so beyond ridiculous that I can’t help but adore her.  She takes wearing leggings as pants one step further and wears tights as pants (that is if she wears pants at all).  You have probably jammed out to her songs like “Just Dance” and “Poker Face” out at the clubs.  Her entire album (mostly) is amazing, but that’s not why I love her.

She is a total trainwreck, but makes absolutely no excuses for it.  As a matter of fact, I bet she doesn’t even realize how absurd she is. You’re probably wondering how on earth I could possibly let her fashion felonies slide under the radar.  Well, here’s why- she isn’t trying.  She really thinks it is absolutely fine to wear a leotard out in public just like you wear your skinny jeans.  I love a woman with a strong sense of style, whether it be my taste or not.  Granted, she is a performer so she gets a little more slack, but I would still give her props if I saw her strutting down the street in Manhattan.  It takes some serious self confidence to own a pair of lace tights, a leotard and sunglasses and that’s exactly what she does- OWNS IT.  You can always tell when someone is wearing something that is totally contrived. She is trying to look “ironic” in their old concert T, neon pants, and “dirty” hair, but it’s blatantly clear it took her two hours to get ready. Find your own style, be true to you, and own it.




Why Did You Wear That: Don’t Fret, My Pets.

By |April 23rd, 2009|Celebrity Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

Oh, my loves. I didn’t forget about you yesterday. However, I apparently booked a one way ticket to Planet Suck and had no time to post any of my witty and brilliant banter for you to read while pretending to be productive at work.  No worries, I worked it out with my travel agent and am back to the real world.

Anyhow, because you may have felt neglected yesterday, here is a little mindless fodder for you.


Here’s a photo of Lindsay Lohan launching her legging line (6126) at Henri Bendel earlier this year.  Her hair looks like a throwback to Splash while her “leggings” look like she ran into Edward Scissor Hands on her way to the event.  Fun fact: did you know that Lindsay’s legging line has a pair called “Mr. President” with quilted knee pads? Classy. (more…)