
Weekend Playlist: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

By |August 20th, 2011|Weekend Playlist|

Every girl loves an official “girls night out” but my very favorite part of these nights is what happens before you even step stillettoed foot out the front door.  The best part of a girls night out is primping in the mirror, sipping on cocktails, and possibly a good bit of girl talk.  Perhaps I’m showing my age, but I almost enjoy a “girls night in” more than out… Either way, having a perfect playlist to kick off the night is crucial.




Friday Frocks: Work It, Girl.

By |August 19th, 2011|Friday Frocks, Why Did You Wear That?|

I know.  It’s Friday and the last thing you’d like to be doing is thinking about work.  However, it’s a reality that we all must face.  Having been lucky enough to work in fashion offices for most of my “career” I never really had to do the whole “work appropriate” attire thing.  You see, in many fashion offices skinny jeans are equivalent to trousers and even ripped boyfriend jeans will fly (pending we are selling them in store and they’re on trend).  That said, I know that many of you stylish sisters aren’t working in such lax office environments and must adhere to a certain “dress code.”  That in no way means that you must dress like a stuffy secretary.  Fortunately, there are plenty of fashionable frocks that won’t make your boss frown.

1. MICHAEL Michael Kors Sleeveless Zipper Dress, $99.99, 2. Calvin Klein Ruffle Front Sheath Dress, $118,  3. INC International Concepts Cowlneck Striped Dress, $69.50, 4. Black Halo Pattison Sheath Dress, $330, 5. XOXO Cap Sleeve Fitted Peplum Sheath, $39.98, 6. Single Belted Sheath Dress, $149, 7. DKNY Cherry Cap Sleeve Sheath Dress, $450, 8. Black Halo Keyhole Ruffle Sheath Dress, $349, 9. New York & Company Colorblock Dress, $64.95, 10. Calvin Klein Stretch Ruffle Sheath Dress, $89

Plop a blazer and sensible (but still chic) shoes on and you’re all set for the day.  When it’s time for happy hour, you’ll be able to transition smoothly from day to night.

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere, right?



The List Volume LI

By |August 19th, 2011|The List|

You know, life is full of up’s and down’s. �It just so happens I like to list the down’s on a weekly basis… right here on “the list.” �I guess I figure that perhaps some of the perpetrators will be reading this very list and say, “Hey! I do that! I guess I should stop.” �Call me an idealist.

  1. Russian Dolls. �Now I’ve seen (and liked) some really bad reality TV… but this…
  2. Spiders. �You guys are disgusting�and you leave a mess behind?
  3. Smart people who pretend to be stupid.
  4. Stupid people who pretend to be smart.
  5. The fact that my six year old niece may very well have nicer lingerie than me soon.
  6. Mondays.
  7. Bad sushi. �Really, is there anything worse?
  8. Fashion shows (ahem, Project Runway) using irrelevant reality stars as guest judges.
  9. Non-reciprocal relationships.
  10. People who don’t quite understand blinkers. �You use them BEFORE you turn. �Not during. Not after.



WhyDid Wisdom: Stop What You’re Doing

By |August 18th, 2011|Why Did You Date Him?, WhyDid Wisdom|

You know that saying, “those who can’t do teach”?  Yeah, well, often times that’s me.  I tend to have a very level head when it comes to my friends’ and loved ones’ problems… yet, when it comes to my own… well, let’s not go there.  But the point is, I love to help out where I can.  Sometimes all you need is a fresh perspective or different point of view in order to sort things out.  That’s where I come in.  This week, we have a little bit of a glitch in the domestic bliss:

Dear WhyDid,

My boyfriend has really started to take me for granted.  I do so much for him and initially I did it because I wanted to, but now it feels like he just expects it.  We live together and I do the dishes, the laundry, make dinner.  I’m your regular 50’s housewife– except I work too!  I don’t need him to thank me on a daily basis (although that would be nice), but showing a little bit of appreciation from time to time wouldn’t hurt.  How do I let him know that this house doesn’t clean itself without coming off as a lunatic?


Desperate Housewife

Well, here’s my advice and it’s quite simple.  Don’t. Do. Anything.  Literally.  Stop doing everything that you’ve been doing to make his life better, simpler, more cushy.  He’ll notice.  And he’ll notice fast.  It’s a funny thing with guys.  They can’t seem to muster up a “thank you” when all’s running smoothly, but the moment something’s awry they have plenty to say.  When he does speak up, do not turn this into World War III.  Use it as an opening to let him know that you feel a little bit underappreciated.

He’s not a bum because he started getting comfortable with your domestic expertise.  Relationships change with time.  People get used to things and can forget what life was like pre-you (aka awful).  While we’re on the subject, let’s flip things around.  When’s the last time you dolled yourself up and greeted him at the door?  Do you sleep in sweatpants and a ratty t-shirt?  Women are also guilty of getting comfortable.  Don’t worry, your relationship isn’t headed for the rocks.  This is just a gentle reminder that you need to let each other know how much you appreciate one another and that you may need to crank the heat back up.

Sometimes it’s what you don’t say.

Need a little WhyDid Wisdom?  Send your questions here.




Image via Apples and Onions

Beauty Buzz: A Bump in the Road

By |August 18th, 2011|Beauty Buzz|

The only thing less sexy than an Amazonian bush during bikini season is the horrifically embarrassing bumps known as ingrown hairs that can be left behind after grooming below the belt.  (Sorry, Dad. TMI?)

When I go in for my Brazilian beauty treatment, I often shrug off the “add-on’s” they push on you at the end.  How many different swipes and pads and lotions and potions does one need for her nether regions?  Well, a couple of waxes ago, I was swayed and I decided to test out PFB Vanish… mostly because I was sort of obsessed with my esthetician and would have believed anything she told me and also because it was a very simple bottle.  It looked fairly straightforward– and I like straightforward.

Basically, it’s a roll-on that you apply after showers (more or less frequently depending on how sensitive your skin is) that will prevent irritation and ingrown hairs. One reason it’s awesome?  You never have to touch the “solution” with your hands.  This particular application is very no fuss no muss.  I also noticed a serious difference by using it every other day.  I had far fewer ingrown hairs and this may be totally unrelated, but I actually think my hair has taken longer to grow back.

There are really only a few things you can do to prevent ingrown hairs in the first place, so listen up:

  • Exfoliate!! Be sure to do a little scrub-a-roo in this region when bathing.
  • Use a product with salicylic or glycolic acid (that’s where PFB comes in).
  • Do NOT pick at those pesky bumps.  This area is sensitive and picking can cause infection and even scarring.

Looks like smooth sailing to me!




Image via SkinRxClinic