While we’re on the topic of hair… Remember a month or so ago when I went to get mah hurr did by the illustrious Whitney Thomas? Well, I was so impressed with the way she “trimmed” my hair (it almost appeared longer when she was done) that I headed back a week later to let her play with my color.
Now, I’ve mentioned on more than one occasion that I do not let just anyone touch these strands of glory. I take great pride in my mane and swallow a lot of vitamins to keep my follicles a-flowin’. It had been so long that I’d had my hair highlighted (a solid 10 months) that I’d transitioned myself into accidental ombre and also become quite friendly with my God given color- which I would call a dirty honey slightly tainted with dishwater blonde. I teetered between going super dark and returning to my sunny past… Kind of like a fight between good and evil. Finally, I remembered what my mother always tells me, “You were born a blonde… you will always be a blonde.”
So, Whitney spent time tediously painting on highlights that would blend in and make me look like I had just spent a few sunny months south of the equator. Few things to note here: I hate stripey streaky stripper blonde. I hate orange yellow bottle blonde. I hate roots that grow straight out in a straight line from your scalp. Whitney had her work cut out. I’m a psycho when it comes to my hair and I’m not afraid of a good tantrum and a few tears if things don’t come out right. But alas, everyone can take a deep sigh of relief. I couldn’t have been more pleased with the masterpiece she created out of my hair. Phew.
There is a point to this story, I promise. Whitney handed me a bottle of conditioner after we were through and told me to use it twice weekly for a month and then once a week following. She swore it would mend any split ends and keep my tresses stress and tangle free. Now, this isn’t my first time at the rodeo. If there’s a “miracle” conditioner, I’ve tried it. So, to say I was skeptical is an understatement.
Any good girl with colored hair knows the rules, you must, must, must condition your hair. Dyeing and frying can take a serious toll on your hair and you don’t want to walk around looking like a haystack. Girls who have long hair need to be even more careful because if you think about it (and I’m sure you’ve spent countless hours doing so) your ends are old. If your hair grows about half an inch a month and your hair is down to your boobs and that’s like, what? A foot? That means your sad little ends are two years old! You must baby your fine follicles.
Loreal Serie Expert Absolut Repair Conditioner, $50.99
Moral of the story? (And I know… it was a long story). Whitney is my hero. She cuts, she colors, she recommends great products. My hair has really come around since using this conditioner. From the moment I rinse it out, my hair feels like silk and I have way less frizz than I normally do. It’s like my hair went to rehab.
P dot S- if you need Whitney and you’re in the LA area, here’s how to find her: 212-623-4383. It’s worth the trip downtown. Besides, it gives you a reason to stop by Cole’s for some delicious chocolate pie.

The picture is adorable. Actually you’re adorable and the picture shows it. Have any others at a similar age? I’m sure your readers would like to see them. ddd