You’ve probably been wondering where the eff I disappeared off to last week. Yeah, me too. I wish I could tell you that I was sunning in Santorini with the man of my dreams after eloping on a whim, but alas, my reasoning is not nearly that sexy. This past week has been a bit of a rough go. I had my heart broken, I got hired, I got fired, made up my mind, changed it, lost my way, found it again – not to mention my ongoing love/hate relationship with the city in which I reside.
That being said… I’m baaaaack. I’ve discussed a few times that I seem to be suffering from what they like to call a “quarter life crisis” and I’m hoping and praying this will be the last bout with it. (Um, besides, I’m kinda heading more into the mid life crisis range at this point). I’ve gone back to my old standby – making a lot of lists and checking things off. Unfortunately, organization is not my strong suit and I’m willing to bet I have adult ADD. It’s so easy to get distracted by the constant “noise” going on all around us- especially living in NYC. My dad often tells me to go somewhere quiet and just listen.
Sometimes I feel like I’m supposed to have it all figured out and when I look around at some of my peers who seem to have a handle on things, I get completely and utterly flustered. At times, I just shut down because I’m so overwhelmed (hence I just could not manage to type a sentence, crack a joke, or make a video last week).
I don’t want to spend time complaining about my life, because quite honestly, I have it pretty good. What I would like to do is let you guys know that it’s okay to be confused. It’s okay to get lost. It’s okay to make mistakes. There’s no need to compare yourself to others and as long as you stay focused and hold onto your dreams (and sanity), you’ll find your way.
So I do apologize for my absence and lack of crazy antics, but believe it or not, at times I do run out of things to say. I know, hard to believe. Lucky for you, I’ve had a week to stew and am raring to go.

ADD types go to quiet places and end up singing & dancing because they can’t stand the lack of commotion.
[…] Oh, Hey There… […]
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