
Smart is the New Pretty: Picture That

By |April 4th, 2012|Smart Is the New Pretty|

I know you guys love my writing (yammering), but it seems we are a generation that is totally enraptured with photos.  And well, like they say, pictures are worth a thousand words.  So, it’s no wonder that we spend a lot of time on our phones and computers uploading and “liking” photos.

Picture that.




image via TechCrunch

Smart is the New Pretty: Kids These Days…

By |March 28th, 2012|Smart Is the New Pretty, WhyDid Wisdom|

little girl writingThere will come a point in your life when you’ll come to the startling realization that you’ve become a stodgy old grump… something you thought you’d never be.  But alas, here you are; griping about terrible music, saggy pants, and kids these days…



WhyDid Wisdom: Be Quiet.

By |March 19th, 2012|WhyDid Wisdom|

emergency alert screen

Ever have one of those days where you have nothing to say because you know that if you open your mouth there is no possible way that anything good is going to come out?  Yeah?  I’m having one of those days.  So, I’m taking a self inflicted vow of silence.

Mom wasn’t wrong when she told you, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

In the meantime, catch up on how to make sangria.  That’ll keep your mouth busy.




WhyDid Wisdom: City Girl in the Suburbs

By |March 15th, 2012|WhyDid Wisdom|

city girl in the suburbsA couple of years ago, I was itching to make my final exodus from New York City.  You see, we’ve had a fairly emotionally abusive relationship.  When it was good, it  was a twenty-four hour honeymoon, but when it was bad, I wanted a divorce.  The things I once loved became those that I loathed.  The city will beat you down and bring you to your knees and when you’re just about to give up, Spring arrives and you are reminded, once again, why it is you fell in love with this glorious city in the first place.

I never even wanted to live in New York.  As a matter of fact, I was certain that when I graduated from college I’d be on my way to sunny California.  But Dame Nature (that silly bitch) had other plans and in a twist of fate, I landed an internship at Escada my junior year of college.  One summer in the big city and I was sold.  California who?

You see, New York is the type of place that you either love of hate, sink or swim.  If you happen to be one of the ones who loves it, it gets under your skin and there is no way to shake it.  Ever.  Any other city is second rate.  While Los Angeles has the sunshine, it’ll never compare.  Sorry, San Francisco, you’re a beautiful city, but you’ll just never do.  There is one city that reigns supreme… and that’s the Big Apple- despite all its flaws.

Well, a couple of years ago, New York and I had a trial separation.  I left the bright lights, tall buildings, and bad attitudes for the other coast.  I thought I was ready for a quiet, “normal”, simple life.  I thought I was done with New York.  It was great to give Smitty a yard and a place to stretch his furry little legs.  I enjoyed living in a space larger than a walk-in closet.  I wanted to love it.  I tried to love it, but there was nothing for me to do.  I was completely unstimulated.  I had no friends and no common interests with anyone I met.  I found that I got enraged by people who had no clue what The Met is and no interest in finding out.  I couldn’t take seeing one more person wearing Patagonia and the straw that broke the camel’s back was when I realized I hadn’t worn heels in six months.  I was a square peg trying to live my life in a round hole.  I gave it a shot, but finally came to terms that I was trying to live a life that wasn’t for me.  Besides, we all have done crazy things for love.

I realized that a place that may feel scary and overwhelming to some, felt safe and familiar to me.  Another girl could be writing this same post saying that she hates the city and she finds it to be dirty, loud, and abrasive.  It isn’t about which is better: the city or the suburbs.  It’s all about finding the place that fits and feels like home.

Mama, I’m coming home.

