Smart Is the New Pretty: Back to Reality
We all get a little busy from time to time, whether it be with our jobs, or personal lives, or episodes of Real Housewives (there’s like three on at once!), but that’s no excuse for being completely oblivious to the what’s going on out in the “real world” (no, not the reality show). Here are a few headlines from the news to keep you in the know.
- New York Facebook office states the obvious: they dress better than their Silicon Valley counterpart. [Wired]
- Maybe Silicon Valley needs to go shopping… since retail sales fell the second month. [Bloomberg]
- Perhaps we’ve all been too busy downloading free apps like Songza, which has been downloaded 542,000 (make that 542,001) times [Mashable]
- Luckily, we’ll have lingerie and perfume based on Fifty Shades of Grey to waste our money on soon! [Elle]
- I got that notice in my email. Don’t you hate all that junk email? is here to help you rid yourself of such. [TechCrunch]
- Makes me wanna pull my hair out. By the way, here are eleven hair rules that are okay (and encouraged) for you to break. [InStyle]
- So Avril Lavigne broke all kinds of hair rules by shaving half her head (she’s so punk). [E! News]
- But Charlize Theron doubled down by shaving her entire head. [E! News]
- Speaking of pretty, NASA’s new telescope will allow you to see black holes. [Mashable]
- Which may entice you to hold a stranger’s hand. [Mashable]
Now go spend some money and stimulate the economy.