
Friday Frocks: Tricks Up Your Sleeve

By |October 28th, 2011|Friday Frocks, Why Did You Wear That?|

Even though people are getting more and more into Halloween every year, it also seems that a lot of you lovely ladies like to wait until the absolute very last minute to attempt to pull together some type of festive get up.  That’s alright, hold off on the non PMS related freak out and take a deep breath (and sip of prosecco).  Most likely, you already have something in your very own closet that can easily be crafted into a crowd pleasing costume.  Don’t believe me?  Here are a few suggestions to get your brain ticking:

1. Forever 21 Leopard Print Dress, $24.80, 2. Target Mardi Gras Venetian Black Cat Mask, $12.99

1. bebe Multi Stripe Shine Bodycon Dress, $69, 2. Devil Horns, Tail, and Choker, Set, $9.99

1. 213 Industry Tutu Dress, $127, 2.  Gem Stone Tiara, $3.93

1. Forever 21 Fit and Flare Dress, $24.80, 2. Stetson Cloth Safari Hat, $55, 3. Frye Dakota Mid Lace Boots, $178

1. Jen’s Pirate Booty Nena Tunic $79.20, 2. Black Pirate Hat and Eye Patch, $3.49

Look at all the tricks (and treats) you had up your sleeve.




The List Volume LVIII

By |October 28th, 2011|The List|

Last week, I challenged you to make even the most mundane items slutty.  This week, let’s just go ahead and point out the already played out Halloween costumes for this year (seemed to work out for you folks last year).

  1. Black Swan.  You’ve been planning this for 9 months haven’t you?
  2. Nicki Minaj.  This is this year’s Lady Gaga.
  3. Charlie Sheen.
  4. Amy Winehouse.  Just ew.
  5. Steve Jobs.  Too soon.
  6. Pan Am flight attendant.
  7. Any of the Kardashians. Ever.
  8. Angry Birds.
  9. William and Kate.
  10. Justin Bieber.

Hey, there’s still time to make a swap.



P.S. Last year’s list.

Why Did You Wear That: There Are No Words

By |October 25th, 2011|Personal Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

I know there are a lot of you out there who are still scratching your pretty heads wondering, “What the heck am I going to be for Halloween?”  Been there, sister.  Perhaps you don’t feel like spending a ton of cash or you don’t want to be one of 30,000 naughty nurses.  Either way, I may have the costume idea you’ve been searching for.  Last year, I opted for something a bit different.  The costume wasn’t so much a costume as it was a little creative thinking and arts and crafts time.  I had a striped dress.  I had red shoes.  What the costume really needed was a steady hand and some pancake makeup.

That’s right.  I was gonna be a mime.  Um, hello?  A mime is genius.  It prevents you from having to talk to anyone if you don’t feel like it.  Just pantomime yourself in a box and walk away.  Genius if you ask me.

So have I sold you on this costume idea?  Here are three things you will need (and can find easily).  For the face, Google images of mimes and find a big mirror with lots of light and make yourself comfortable.  P.S. I do not recommend drinking wine while applying mime makeup… not that I would have any experience in that.  Hey, worse comes to worst and you can’t get your makeup right?  Draw on a mole, find some candy cigarettes and you’re a sexy French girl.

1. Guess Kaycee Dress, $89, 2. Banana Republic Knit Beret, $24.50, 3. Betsey Johnson Sonya Suede Chunky Pump, $139.95

You can’t see me, but I’m pantomiming my sign off.



The List Volume LVII

By |October 21st, 2011|The List|

What used to be a holiday for good ol’ wholesome trick or treating has morphed into one big lingerie party full of lots more tricks than there are treats.  Sadly, it seems that girls think as long as you throw the word “sexy” in front of another word, you’ve got a great Halloween costume.  Exhibit A: the f*cking “sexy skunk” costume above.  Hate to point out the obvious, but skunks smell and well, there’s really nothing sexy about that (sorry, Pepe Le Pew).  While I do admit that a sexy skunk is pretty creative, I’m kind of sick of the usual slutty suspects (sexy nurse, sexy cop, sexy pirate, sexy sailor, sexy bee, sexy etc.).  Now, I’d be a big fat (sexy) liar if I told you I hadn’t fallen victim to the whole sexy Halloween costume schtick.  I’ve been everything from a sexy football player to a sexy Veronica Corningstone (Anchorman).  Hey, at least I was creative.  I guess that’s my point, if you are gonna go “sexy” this year (and who are we kidding, you know you are), at least be creative.  So I’ve compiled a list of ten very un-sexy things that I dare you Halloween hoochies to make slutty.

  1. Sexy pencil.
  2. Sexy refrigerator.
  3. Sexy rhinoceros.
  4. Sexy ceiling fan.
  5. Sexy Rosie O’Donnell.
  6. Sexy garbage person.
  7. Sexy sledgehammer.
  8. Sexy toilet.
  9. Sexy peanut butter.
  10. Sexy mulch.

Please, please, please (I beg of you) take photos if you do, in fact, use one of these ideas.