
WhyDid Wisdom: Standards, Get Some.

By |March 14th, 2013|WhyDid Wisdom|

must be this tall to rideNo matter how old I’ve gotten, where I’ve lived, or what friends have come and gone, there’s one thing that’s never changed: women are always complaining about men.  In some cases for good reasons, but after hearing one too many sob stories about our canine counterparts over Saturday brunch, I started to realize that maybe the ones to blame for the malecentric masochism are us.  I hear the feminists out there getting antsy already, but hear me out.  I’m smarter than I look.  Plus, I’ve made enough terrible dating mistakes to provide sufficient data.

Remember that article in the NY Times regarding the end of courtship?  Guess whose fault that is?  Yours.  You see, technology glorious as it may be,  has certainly made us all a lot lazier.  Like you can’t even spell out the word “you” now?  Yeah, I’ll C U never.  Using technology and social networking as a scapegoat for shortcut dating is also lazy because truth be told, you didn’t have to answer that text.  You didn’t need to geo-tag yourself on Instagram.  And you sure as heck didn’t need to Tweet your exact whereabouts.  So, the common thread here is still you.  I love a happy coincidence of showing up at the same place as someone I’m seeing so long as it doesn’t involve him making out with another girl he’s seeing, but making “the chase” more like a an afternoon nap on the couch may make his life easier, but certainly not yours.

To act as if I, too, am not guilty of these crimes of courtship would be beyond ridiculous, so, please, consider this an open letter to myself.

So you’re wondering why he doesn’t step up to the plate and pull out all the stops for you?  Because you didn’t make him.  I know, mind blowing.  Whether you’d like to believe it or not,  men like you to set standards.  If you don’t ask them to, they sure as the sunrise aren’t going to do it themselves.  And don’t be afraid that asking him to be a gentleman is going to scare him off because if you do ask him to value you (as much as you should value yourself) and he doesn’t want to?  Get to stepping cause it’s only going downhill from here.  Trust.  Some of you think I’m being Prissy Patty here, but wouldn’t you know, I’ve got a few dating anecdotes to drive the point right on home.

I went out with a nice, cute, fun bankery type a few times.  We would meet over drinks or make a general plan to meet up on a Sunday afternoon and while I always enjoyed my time with him and his Polo shirts, I was looking for him to make a real date, not just a “casual hang.”  So one rainy Sunday evening as he walked me home under an umbrella, I decided to speak up.  When I told him to make an actual date, not just another hangout, you better believe I had a detailed email in my inbox first thing the next morning with three different (very creative) date options for me to choose from as well as the weather forecast.  All it took was letting him know.  He’s also been made well aware that should he ever want to get any closer to my pants than perusing Spring’s latest washes at 7 for All Mankind, he must make a proper dinner plan.  He explained that most girls he’s gone out with hadn’t really cared much about courtship nor could they spell it.

Another guy I granted the pleasure of my company was nervous to open my door for me on our first date because the girl he dated before me was apparently offended by the gesture.  Well, yes, it’s true I’m physically capable of opening my own door, but I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t do it for me.  I made it crystal clear that I had no qualms with him being a gentleman and opening my door and so he did open my door every single time until I was no longer getting into his car for a multitude of other reasons. But to the chick who hated having her door opened, come on, sister, stop ruining it for the rest of us.

But for every positive example, there’s always its more entertaining negative complement.

elevator capacityI met a strapping young fellow who seemed to be a bit of a loose cannon (read: probably not a qualified candidate to father my future children), but despite his wild ways, he asked me out to dinner one night over text… at 2:56am.  I waited until the next day to answer although I’d been wide awake at the time and played coy with my response.  The invitation didn’t come again, but instead he did invite himself over late one night to “hang.”  My mistake for obliging him.  Because while the hickey on my shoulder endured (sorry, Dad), long gone are the days of  him inviting me out to dinner.  I don’t count on a dinner at Nobu in my future.  I can, however count on past midnight messages and phone calls.

One gentleman (ha!) who’s a true thorn in my side, has turned into a tragic Telemundo soap opera, bad acting and all.  When he calls, I run.  Not so long ago, his radar alerted him that I’d forgotten all about him and so he dialed my number, and like clockwork I hurried my little behind right on down to the Soho Grand.  To be clear, it wasn’t always this way.  As a matter of fact, for the first half our our “relationship” it was all fun and games (and dinners and dancing) when I made him chase me all the way over to Avenue B, but the moment I stopped playing precious princess, the tables turned… like Teresa Giudice turned.  I made it too easy for him because I was scared that he’d stop calling.  Which is totally ridiculous because he clearly enjoys the chase more than the kill and if he didn’t call?  Good riddance.  I’m seeing him next Thursday.

You see, I’m just as guilty as the gals in the NY Times article though I was appalled when I’d read it the first time.  I no longer know how to spell courtship, let alone dinner and the only person I have to blame is myself… well, and the rest of you.  Did we not learn anything in Psychology 101?  Pavlov’s dogs ring a bell?  (I didn’t even mean to do that).  We’re just as trainable as dogs and we can very easily train people how to treat us.  If I let my dog just pee wherever her wanted he, would.  Well, I don’t let him, but he does anyway– but you get the gist.  Just be careful you’re not being the one being trained to drool when the bell rings.

The bottom line is quite simple: you get what you settle for.  And isn’t being a lady the original form of feminism?



WhyDid Wisdom: Don’t Be Desperate, Girl… or Boy.

By |December 6th, 2012|WhyDid Wisdom|

decline call

About a month ago, I turned into a  complete and utter recluse.  Not because of the super storms (yes, plural… Hey, Sandy!  Hey, Athena!) or because I didn’t have any interesting offers.  I’d voluntarily grounded myself and was actually quite content.  Turns out I would rather stay home and order in, not wash my hair, watch horrible TV, and rub Smitty’s sweet pink belly than sit through dinner with someone I have no intention of reproducing with and can hardly muster up polite conversation with.  Some may call it depression, I call it having standards.  Tomato, tomato.

Not so long ago, I would have picked myself up by the boot straps and headed out.  I needed stimulation, validation from a male, unauthentic attention.  Now?  I could care less.  I’m not sure exactly what it is.  It could be because I know so well what “wrong” feels like or because I’ve realized that hanging out with someone you aren’t that interested in is a form of desperation.  It could be because my heart is full of unrequited love.  Or it could simply be that I’m asexual.

Funny enough, when I moved into my self inflicted nunnery, the phone calls just started pouring in.  Sadly, none of them were calls I really wished to answer.  Why is it always the one you “don’t” and never the ones you “do”?  Anyway, because I was quite thrilled about staying home to moisturize my cuticles, I was also too busy to join any of said gentlemen callers on evenings out.  So, whether I politely declined their invitations, pressed the “ignore” button, or just altogether ignored the fellows wishing for my companionship, I started to notice something.  They were undeterred by my disinterest.  As a matter of fact, I think it actually caused some of them to become even more interested.  A simple case of economics: supply and demand.  Ironically, that’s not something I was hoping to happen.  However, there are a few take aways:

A good indicator of a man’s character is the way he acts when you tell him, “No.”

Watching these guys beg and pout and be big, desperate babies only shed light on how stupid we must look when we do the exact same things.  Does it make me change my mind?  No.  As a matter of fact, all it does is confirm to me that I’ve made the right decision on staying in my cashmere sweatpants and slippers with the SATC boxed set and a tub of dried apricots.

One particular gentleman just blows up my phone relentlessly.  I don’t respond and he just keeps on texting.  When I say, “I’m busy,” he follows up with a “It only takes a moment to tell me that.”  Come on, ladies, how many times have you said that to a guy.  Now, I’ve just taken to sending back unbelievable responses, and better yet surrendered my phone to my friends to answer.  We consider it a form of creative writing.

As I laid around one Sunday after another platonic sleepover, my guy friend sighed and snorted at the text messages he was receiving from a young lady he had hung out with that week.  Sure they were in Swedish, but I could tell by the length and frequency what these messages were all about.  I blushed a little remembering having been that girl.  I’d written a digital novel to the object of my affection a time or two.

Being in this new position of female power, has allowed me to see things from a completely opposite perspective.  Now I am fully aware of how it looks when we, as ladies, double text, drunk text, continuously call, and basically don’t pick up on the not so subtle hints of ignoring.  And it’s not good.  Any shot in hell you might have had, has now been shot to hell.  For me, the thought of going out with someone so desperate or persistent is utterly exhausting and I haven’t even gotten in the shower yet.  I’m not not answering because I’m saving baby kittens (although that’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility) or doing my taxes.  I’m not busy… I just don’t want to talk to you and in some cases, I forgot you even called.  So think about the last time a fella reached out and you were not even slightly interested.  How did you react?

For now, I’m quite alright keeping a low profile in the ol’ dating department and I know two guys (for a fact) that are psyched about this: Smitty and my Dad.  However, when I do put myself back on the market, I’ll be sure to remember the secondhand embarrassment I experienced for all of you oh so desperate dudes.



Why Did You Date Him: Cat Scratch Fever

By |June 16th, 2010|Why Did You Date Him?|


For years women have endured the cat calls, whistles, and obnoxious shout outs from men on the street. It’s so common in NYC, that I actually no longer even hear it. When people are in from out of town they are appalled by the suggestive, aggressive, and offensive commentary.

Well, the other night, we decided to flip the script. We started treating men like the pieces of meat they’ve been treating us as from the moment we started wearing training bras. Surprisingly, our method was incredibly effective. We had a 95% return on our obnoxious commentary, which is sort of disturbing. It seems that men actually found it incredibly amusing… even (gasp) charming when we hurled lusty dialogue in their direction. Perhaps men appreciated the ladies doing the “work” for once, though I’d hardly consider telling someone to “take their top off” work.

Don’t believe me? Oh, well, don’t you worry… we documented it (obvsies):

And there you have it, my friends. Apparently, that’s all it takes.

Nice ass!



Guest Blog: The Student Teaches the Master

By |May 8th, 2010|Guest Blogger|

heartbrokenI am very happy to introduce my guest blogger this week. I remember this pretty little lady when she was merely a sweet little baby girl in middle school. Now, she’s all grown up and ready to take on the world.  She’s my very best friend’s younger sister and we were both shocked (and awed) by how wise she is at such a young age. Oh, if ONLY we had been so smart upon graduating college. We probably could have avoided some of our trainwreck romances… but then again, what would I have to write about? Anyway, below is Lala’s advice oh how to avoid any more dating drama:

Are you starting to see patterns of failure in your love life? We , as women, want to believe that our failed relationships should be blamed on men. Maybe you do have a cheater on your hands, or maybe you have a guy who is afraid of commitment. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of skeezy guys whose intentions we couldn’t see coming even if the truth was hitting us right in the face, but when you start to see a pattern of one failed relationship after another, it’s important to realize that it could be you who needs to do the changing.

This can get confusing, and you don’t want to go blaming yourself for everything, so here is how you tell:

  • Is there a reoccurring theme in the way your relationships end?
  • Do you feel hurt, but completely out of control in cleaning up the debris of your relationship?
  • Do you think you don’t deserve answers because of the way in which you let the relationship evolve, and then end?
  • Do you get intimately involved too quickly?
  • Did you let him talk down to you during the relationship and not stand up for yourself because he wasn’t technically your “boyfriend”?
  • Do you see yourself having to let go out of nowhere?

Now, this type of relationship is by no means what any woman would consider desirable, yet some of us are so afraid to be happy, and then hurt, that we set ourselves up with the wrong people, and ultimately, for disaster.

Many of us have a subconscious commitment-phobia. We undermine what we deserve in a relationship because we do not want to be let down by our expectations, so we go for the men who we do not believe we would ever make a serious commitment to. At the beginning, we do not think this person would ever have the power to hurt us. Ultimately, we are terrified of the men who could give us happiness, and then take it away. We have this pathetic preference of numbness over happiness and, potentially, pain.

In order to overcome this detrimental pattern that leads to a completely unfulfilling love life, we need to reassure ourselves of what needs to be done in order to begin a healthy relationship. First, we need to recognize what we deserve, and then expose our vulnerabilities to start something that could actually be real. Tell yourself these five things before the start of a relationship:

  1. I know I deserve happiness and to get what I want from a man: love, loyalty, friendship, and passion.
  2. I need to stop talking to losers. If I am not interested, I have to STOP trying to be so nice! Tell him straight up, “I am not interested,” and walk away. We tend to feel sorry for some guys who hit on us and we’re too nice while trying to escape them. They often get the wrong idea and believe that we’re interested. As the old saying goes, you must be cruel to be kind!
  3. I should try a little harder when I see someone I want. I can’t expect him to do all of the work. It’s not forward to give him “the eye” and a smile. Let him know you’re checking him out! For those of us who are more outgoing, just walk over and start up a convo. What’s the harm?
  4. I need to take things slow and allow the emotions to build before the sex, not after the sex. I know we like to pretend that men want sex much more than we do, but let’s face it, it’s hard to hold off! Especially when there is a real connection. Just give yourself some time, and make sure you are both on the same page emotionally before you dive into the sheets.
  5. I need to work on my courage. If I feel something, I should tell him! If he does not feel the same, you won’t have any regrets or wonder what could have been. It also allows you to move on from something that is not fully there. If he does feel the same, game on!

Take these steps in the beginning of your next potential relationship or romance. Understanding what you want and what you deserve before diving in will make that relationship much more fulfilling both mentally and physically.



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See, I TOLD you she was smart! Brains and beauty, people. Anyone looking for fresh new voice for their publication? Probs should scoop this one up before someone else does (email me @ whydidyouwearthat@whydid.com).

