Tigers, leopards, cheetahs. They get all the credit. Season after season, animal print, namely leopard, remains en vogue. Well, what about the quiet king of the jungle? The giraffe? With pleasantly patterned pelts, and lashes you could only wish for, the lanky giraffe has been long overlooked. It is the supermodel of the safari, afterall.
It’s true, I’m biased. My very favorite animals (other than Smitty) are giraffes. My fiance thought I was mocking him when we first started hanging out (guess he didn’t read number two) until my parents verified that I, too, was mad for giraffes. Match made in heaven.
So if you’re tired of tigers, and cheetahs, and leopards- oh my! Why not try on a different pattern from our long legged friends?:
1. Markus Lupfer Giraffe Sequin Jumper, $450, 2. Cappelli Printed Toyo Handbag, $25.60, 3. Kashmere Black Ombre Giraffe Printed Cashmere Scarf, $125.99, 4. Brian Lichtenberg Sleeveless One Shoulder Dress, $398, 5. Giambattista Valli Giraffe Linen Wedge, $650, 6. Giambattista Valli Linen and Silk Georgette Animal Print Dress, $2,590, 7. dELiAs Lace Giraffe Burnout Tee, $19.50, 8. Kenneth Jay Lane White and Brown Enamel Giraffe Bracelet, $75, 9. Just Cavalli Printed Jersey Wrap Dress, $450, 10. The Balm Shady Lady Vol. 3, $39.50, 11. Tepper Jackson Giraffe Messenger Bag, $48, 12. Amika Tourmaline Curler, $105
Five fun facts about giraffes:
- Giraffes have 18 inch purply-black tongues.
- Despite their long necks, giraffes have seven vertebrae just like humans… they just happen to be up to ten inches long.
- Giraffes can eat up to 75 pounds of food a day.
- Giraffe calfs are dropped from their mom’s womb head first to the ground. The fall doesn’t hurt the calf, but instead, causes it to take its first deep breath (a lal the doctor slapping a baby’s back).
- Not so fast? Giraffes can run up to 34 mph and when they run, their back legs cross their front (their front legs are 10% longer than their hind legs).
Now who’s king?
Photo via GPSTracking

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