I can’t lie, I actually forgot today was Friday and time for “the list.” That’s because I’ve been living in a love filled bubble complete with furry white cats and dogs. Take a sigh of relief, I still have plenty of things to compile into this week’s list.
- Um, Lindsay Lohan’s “jail sentence.” She’s like my dog. Never gets in trouble. Sigh.
- Life in a Bikini. WTF is this? I see billboards for it everywhere. At first glance I liked the name of it, cause you know how I feel about bikinis, but upon further investigation, it sounds like a bowl of crock.
- Malls.
- Kitten heels. And just ugly heels in general. Five inches or bust, ladies.
- Sun umbrellas. Sumbrellas. I believe they were parasols at some point in time.
- People who can’t take a hint. What must I do to make things clear?
- Leggings in disguise. While, having a built in crotch cover is clever… you’re still not fooling anyone.
- The Jersey Shore. I can’t believe we are paying these people’s salaries.
- Fish oil burps.
- The Real Housewives of DC. Might be the worst cast yet!!
See, even when WhyDid’s wearing her rose colored glasses, she still sees the ugly and annoying.
Try some Algal-derived Omega 3 supplements instead of fish oil. All the DHA-love, sans fish burp.
Hey !,
Thanks for the tip. Will certainly look into it.