
So, you get it. We love cupcakes. They’re delicious. They’re pretty. They’re basically irresistible to most humans… I know they say, “you are what you eat” but there is no real reason to actually LOOK like a cupcake. It IS possible to have too much of a good thing. That being said, why is it that some of these celebs look like they’ve taken their cupcake obsession to the red carpet?


I have actually NO CLUE who this girl is, but I do know that she looks like a baked confection. (WhyInGayHell, can you help a sista out? Who is this?)

Grammy Awards Press Room

Oh, Carrie. Usually the picture of perfection… Now you just like a moldy cupcake.


Lil Mama, I’ve been salivating over your picture and not cause you look like a cupcake. I mean, what IS this that you’re wearing? It’s a lot. And what the hell does it say across your chest? I’m getting old and my eyesight is going.


Funfetti anyone?


Um, Sarah, you’re cupcake’s missing the icing. You’re a naked cupcake. (FYI- icing is the best part).


A lot of people tried to guess WTF Rihanna was channeling with this little get up. Well, we’ve cracked the case, folks. She’s a cupcake.


Natalie is just one big blob of icing. She and Sarah should get together and even out their cake to icing ratio.


I mean, you knew Paris wasn’t going to let us down on this one. She’s a cross between a black and white cookie and a cupcake. Although… that might be a pretty delicious crossbreed. More delicious than her channeling Charlotte York.  You’re not fooling anyone, P.


And the sprinkles on top of our cupcake… This is the epitome of asscake.

So,  I leave you with this, my friends. It’s fine to love cupcakes, but please, please, please don’t take your obsession to the extremes (i.e., your wardrobe). And on that note, WhyDon’tYouEatMe and I are heading to the gym, seeing as we’ve eaten our body weight in cupcakes this week.

