
Beauty Buzz: Sleeping Beauty

By |November 17th, 2011|Beauty Buzz|

Life’s hard.  After a long day at work, who has time (let alone energy) to spend hours on a beauty routine.  When life starts to wear on you, it also starts to show up on your face.  So waking up in the morning is not always such a beautiful thing.  Try Face Timing me at 8am.  Not pretty.  Rather than waking up looking more like a wild banshee than a fresh spring flower, try putting your beauty sleep to work for you.

  1. Not only should you be sleeping on your back– on more than one pillow (propped up), you should also be using a silk pillow case.  No, not because you’re a princess and only deserve the best (although, that’s true too).  Silk pillow cases are more gentle on both hair and skin.  Try this Spasilk Pillow, $14.99
  2. In case you have yet to jump on the Aquaphor bandwagon- It’s time.  I have a tube of this on my nightstand.  I use it for my lips as well as on my eyes.  Not only does it hydrate the very delicate skin around your eyes… I swear my eyelashes are fuller thanks to this heavy ointment.  Aquaphor, $5.99
  3. Your new silk pillowcase will help with bad hair days, but take it one step further by putting hair into a loose braid before resting your head at night.  Or try Christina’s ballerina bun.
  4. When life hands you a lemon… squeeze it into a glass of warm water and down it before bed.  A glass at night and another in the morning will have you looking fresh and svelte in no time.
  5. Just like your face, your body needs moisture too.  Bedtime is the best time to slather yourself with rich body lotion.  Do yourself a favor and try this Lavender Lotion from Bath & Body Works, $13