
Why Did You Wear That: Runway Rewind

By |September 13th, 2014|Personal Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

new york fashion week lincoln centerOh, hey there.  In case you don’t have access to cable or a smartphone, last week (and a half) was New York Fashion Week.  The fashion elite have since jetted off to London for round two, but here’s a little sneak peak into what was my NYFW experience.  I kept things pretty quiet on Instagram as when I scrolled through my own feed, I was bombarded with photo after photo… after photo of the shows.  I tried to snap shots of things that not everyone was capturing- like bored little girls in the front row and the contents of my bag.  This wasn’t my first rodeo and I can wax poetic like all of those annoying New Yorkers who recall a city of a different era.  A city that still had a little grit and required more than a weird outfit to garner getting papped outside Lincoln Center.  (Did you see the Jimmy Fallon bit?).  So, while I miss when Fashion Week was more about fashion that it was fluff, I am happy to have been a part of another New York ritual.

new york fashion week lincoln center

new york fashion week camera pit

lincoln center unif for love and lemons

front row new york fashion week

why did blog kirsten smith

art institutes new york fashion week

kirsten smith why did blog

why did blog kirsten smithdress: KNITZ by For Love & Lemons, top: American Apparel, bag: Alexander Wang, shoes: UNIF 94 Heels, lipcolor: Clinique




Photography by Michael Stiegler

Why Did You Wear That: Swag Bag

By |September 9th, 2014|Why Did You Wear That?|

front row fashion week

I’m not awesome at packing a suitcase, but when it comes to having a well appointed handbag, (remember this tutorial?) it’s very evident that I will make for a great mommy some day.  For Fashion Week, we must up the ante when it comes to being overly prepared.  To be honest (and why wouldn’t I be?), this could be my every day bag.  The only difference is during a week such as this, the chance of being able to swoop back home to pick up a forgotten item is a far cry from plausible.  Sure, the island of New York is only about 22 square miles, but getting around is a lot more taxing than hopping in a taxi… and let’s be serious- during an average week, I hardly venture outside a ten block radius.  When you leave your broom closet size apartment in the morning, it’s necessary to plan ahead and that includes everything from spare batteries to snacks to a change of shoes.  Pro tip: when choosing a bag, take into consideration its weight before you’ve stuffed it to the gills with survival supplies.  There’s a reason my yoga teacher is constantly correcting the tension I hold in my shoulders (specifically the right one).  Have I suggested yet that yoga be a requirement for all Manhattanites?  Consider this my formal bid then.  Whether you, too, are taking on the tents for the remainder of this week or perhaps you’re a working woman on the go, be sure that you’re always armed for battle with these hand bag must haves.

fashion week survival kit1. Maiyet Small Como Satchel, 2. Sheriff & Cherry G11-S Sunglasses, 3. Printed Portable Phone Charger, 4. Bobbi Brown Brightening Finishing Powder, 5. RMS Beauty Lip2Cheek in Beloved, 6. Juice Press Black Label Latte, 7.  Canon EOS Rebel T3i Digital SLR Camera, 8. Marc by Marc Jacobs Snake Heart Printed Faux Patent Leather Laptop Case, 9. KIND Almond Cashew + Flax (Omega 3) Snack Bar, 10. Yosi Samra Samara Embossed Croc Flats



Setting the Mood: Runway Runaround

By |September 8th, 2014|Setting the Mood|

mercedes benz fashion weekLast Thursday officially marked the beginning of New York Fashion Week although I think brands and PR firms have sneakily stretched one grueling week into two seeing as my Fashion Week began last Tuesday with a party for Fohr Card on the rooftop of the James Hotel and an amazing panel discussion with Zac Posen.  From that point forward, it’s been game on.  Friends who are not involved in the industry and even those who are have vowed to reunite after the madness has died down next week.  As much excitement, beauty, and straight up style Fashion Week brings with it, there’s an equal and opposite amount of stress, snarkiness, and showboating involved.  I’ve come to a place in my life and career where I both love and loathe these two times a year (February and September) nearly as much as my annual trip to those shiny silver stirrups, which I think I adequately verbalized last season.

It can be downright infuriating, dealing with the crowds, the egos, and the newbies who haven’t been alive long enough to understand the underlying purpose of the week, but it is a necessary evil and actually being a part of it is truly humbling.  Much like all things that are American these days, Fashion Week has become commercialized and almost a social media safari as to who can capture what picture from what show first and from the best angle.  It’s a virtual pissing contest that can leave some victorious and others vexed.  However, just when I’m about to roll my eyes and begin to grumble as I traipse through Lincoln Center cursing myself for wearing those shoes, I am reminded that at one point in time I was just a little girl from West Virginia playing dress up in her mom’s clothes.   nyfw fashion essentials editorLoeffler Randall Work Tote with Haircalf, Italia Independent Velvet Flat Top Sunglasses, Smythson Inspirations and Ideas Notebook, Olloclip iPhone Camera Lens System



Why Did You Wear That: Runway Recap- For the Fashion Weak.

By |February 17th, 2014|Why Did You Wear That?|

mercedes-benz-fashion-weekLast week, New York was transformed into a real life, live action perfume ad.  Everywhere you looked long legged, bare faced beauties skid across ice covered cobblestone streets on the way to and from castings and shows like little human Bambis.  Fashion Week in New York has changed quite a bit in the years since I first started attending shows, especially after changing venues from Bryant Park to Lincoln Center.  It seems as if the week has become less and less about the fashion and more and more about snapping photos for social media and angling to have your photo snapped for various web publications (remember, I taught you how here?).  Front rows are full of bloggers and people who are wearing bizarre getups, while many buyers are left straining to see the runway while taking notes on the collections’ line sheets.  The only places harder to get into than the actual shows are the after parties which are chocked full of celebrities, celebrity hangers on, promoters, underage models, and certainly a rapper or two.  I should probably get better at celebrity spotting because after viewing party pictures of an event I’d attended, turns out a newly single Ryan Gosling was a mere banquette and ice cube toss away.  Oops.

Factor in the Polar Vortex blizzard like conditions, and not only was it difficult garnering enough motivation to leave my heated apartment, but the actual commute uptown and other various locations was at times painful.  Every time I thought I was about to miss a show, I was reminded that by being twenty minutes late, I was actually ten minutes early.  And since I have yet to be seated front row at all shows, I always found myself sitting behind people with giant headpieces and vision obstructing hairstyles.  As if that didn’t make the task of capturing a clear image of the catwalk daunting enough, be sure that there was a knucklehead (or two) who felt the need to hold his/her iPhone midair for the entire fifteen minutes of fashion.  But because I’ve mastered multitasking and warping my body into the most advantageous shape for scoping the show, I was able to capture bits and pieces of my week.  Just remember, all my suffering is all for you.

fashion week


mercedes benz fashion week

desigual nyfw


son jung wan

leila shams

leila shams nyfw


son jung wan


fashion week


fashion week essentials





Setting the Mood: Love Me Tender or Not So Much.

By |February 10th, 2014|Setting the Mood|

valentines dayThe only day in February with more unnecessary hype surrounding it than the first day of Fashion Week is Valentine’s Day.  While I’m love’s greatest champion even after all my crashing, burning, and broken hearts, Valentine’s Day gives me a little bit of anxiety.  Not really for myself so much as the rest of the general population.  My blackened heart basically makes me immune to the inevitable disappointment of people everywhere who dreamt up a day so romantic it would make Cinderella sick.  Without fail, plans fall apart, hearts get shattered, and mascara finds its way down tear stained cheeks.

Don’t believe me?  Check out a few of my Valentine’s Day massacres:

One year it was spent eating an entire box of red velvet cupcakes and crying with my gay best friend.  Did I mention the cupcakes had been meant for his date who canceled an hour before?

I once went through a breakup while seated next to my boyfriend turned ex boyfriend on an airplane on the way home from Los Angeles.  That was an awfully long flight.

And last year I really exceeded all of my bad decision making capabilities with a late night margarita fueled rendezvous.  That lead to an entire year of what some might consider an all around bad decision.  I’d actually like to thank the fine folks previously employed at Mole for having served us more tequila shots than there are days in February.

But it’s not all bad.  People have gotten engaged, met at single’s mixers, and lived out The Bachelor worthy dates.  So, let’s go with that.  While I’ll probably padlock myself indoors and surrender my iPhone to my doorman for the evening so as to avoid my apparent February 14th curse, you kids go out and have fun.


sexy valentine gift


Agent Provocateur Soiree Liu Liu Lace Bra and BriefsHotel Costes Red Eau de Toilette, Oscar de la Renta Gold Plated Crystal Rose EarringsNicholas Kirkwood Lace Mesh Pumps


