Monday Mashup: Give Me Some Lip
Natalie Portman in custom Lanvin, Angelina Jolie in Atelier Versace
Okay, let me just start off by saying that both Natalie and Angelina are two of the most beautiful women on the planet (let alone the red carpet), so this is, by no means, a personal attack or me “being a hater.” That said, I really disliked both of their gowns at last night’s Golden Globe Awards. While they both wore different colors, and slightly different necklines, they both had a little lip of red on their gowns. To me, these both look like bad Valentine’s Day cards, or perhaps boxes of cheap drugstore chocolates. Natalie is beyond petite and this dress is just too much for her tiny frame. I also love the mixing of pink and red (as shown here), but in this instance, it just does not work.
Speaking of tiny, Angelina has never looked more thin (not a compliment). I do not care for the matchy matchy or her “lip,” lips, bag, (and I assume shoes). To me, this dress does not look modern at all. It reminds me of something Aunt Gertrude once wore to a country club social. I applaud her for stepping out of her comfort zone, but hope that she does not get too comfortable in this zone either.
While my opinion is probably not popular with some of you (weird)… I hope at least a few of you are in agreement. So, I’m wondering, whose “lip” do you love?
Kiss off.