Why yes, Katy Perry, you do look a whole lot like this pink haired plastic playtoy that so many of us lovingly called, Strawberry Shortcake. And while she was my hero when I was no taller than a step stool, I’m not sure that as a grown woman you want to share much in common with this fruity femme… except for say, her strawberry scented coif.
Katy, are you having a quarter life crisis? Or is Russell into some freaky fetish role playing thing? The only thing I am certain of is that you look absolutely ridiculous… but let’s see what the WhyDid’ers have to say about your fruity follicles:
Now that’s not berry nice.

The dress and jacket combo could work if she had a different hair color and softer makeup as well as changing that god awful shoe/socks combo.
Totally agree! The head/hair and toes/shoes are SUCH a problem. And she is such a pretty girl! Why?!