
WhyDid Wisdom: Crazy is Contagious

By |November 7th, 2013|WhyDid Wisdom|

kirsten smithFirst things first, we’re all insane.  Some of us hide it better than others.  Some of us are in complete and utter denial.  And some of us have just not had the last little screw knocked loose before going completely and totally mad.  I, for one, have never claimed to be sane.  My self-awareness is both one of my best and worst qualities.

I mean, I’m the girl who went all kinds of Carrie Underwood on an ex after finding him at the strip club across the street from our apartment with a woman wearing a cabbie hat.  That was the first time I realized just how crazy I could be.  Having woken up with bruised hands after beating on the window of the cab they had hopped into upon exiting New York Dolls and pouring my red Solo cup full of beer (thanks to the bar next door for providing me with a to-go cup) on them both, I knew the looney in me had been unleashed.  Thank heavens I must have looked like a raccoon with rabies, because had that lady gotten out of the cab, I ‘m not sure what I would have done.  I’m not the type to take part in a girl fight.  Sorry, Jerry Springer, but I do know karate.

That wasn’t the last time I lost my shit.  Remember my little lost bird?  My human wrecking ball(Oh, hey, Miley).  Well, wouldn’t you know, I wasn’t quite through with him.  It’s hard to kick an addiction and I sure do love a challenge.  I’m no quitter.  After having gone north with him and nursing him through a full blown panic attack, I thought I’d seen enough.  But that’s the thing about love, New York, and Pandora’s box, once you’ve been bitten by the bug, there’s no turning back.  If I looked at the situation as a logical human being, which most of the time I am, I knew that it was time to abort mission.  Had one of my girlfriends been sharing her horrifying experience with me, I would have grasped her firmly by the shoulders and shaken her.  However, my cognitive thinking was way out of whack and to be completely honest (another one of my best/worst qualities), I didn’t want to kick the habit.

After an especially volatile text exchange a couple of months ago, I found myself in a puddle of tears on my hardwood floor with Smitty looking on in despair.  I indulged in far too much wine and the lunacy was rolling in like dark storm clouds. Receiving a message that really set me off and having already prepared his grilled cheese, I chucked my phone across the room.  Let’s be clear, I’ve dropped my phone down the stairs on more than one occasion and had a couple of near death experiences with it on the treadmill, I had yet to crack my iPhone screen in all the time I’d had it.  The straw that broke my iPhone’s glass, was me, not an average accident.  I couldn’t even answer my phone, let alone respond to texts without risking shards of glass in my fingers.  Thanks to the cute guys (seriously, they’re so cute) at Gotham iPhone, my cracked glass was repaired, but the same couldn’t be said for my heart– or my sanity.

I knew I’d gone nuts as I stared at my shattered screen.  This was completely out of the norm for me.  After my last breakup, the most tragic of many, I’d behaved like a real lady.  Sure I could have kidnapped his fluffy white cat and left rotting fish in the vents of the Bahl house we shared to haunt him, but I hadn’t.  I took my belongings and my dignity and never looked back.  I thought I’d moved past those emotions when I moved back across the country.  I wasn’t mad or even sad.  Perhaps I just hadn’t cared as much as I’d thought.  To inflict pain on myself, was something I’d never done- though close friends might argue I’m a bit of a masochist.

kirsten smithBut alas, the story doesn’t stop there.  Even after the broken glass, typhoon of tears, and bruised heart and ego, I continued on with the crazy.  A glutton for punishment, I kept trying to put the pieces back together and hold onto whatever it was that had me so hooked.  There’s a very fine line between being loyal and being a lunatic.  I was straddling that line.  So, how on Earth did a seemingly sound woman find herself clinging by bloody fingernails to the last ounce of her sanity?

It took me a while to really grasp what was going on and I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a sliver of my heart that belongs to him today.  I’m still in recovery.  The thing is, a seemingly rational person can be swayed to the other side when exposed to too much mania for too long.  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. When a person is capable of looking you in the eyes and telling a boldface lie somehow convincing you that you’re the one to blame, more than likely, they believe their own story.  And more than likely if you stick around long enough, you’ll start to believe it too.  No one wants to be rejected and everyone would rather not believe a painful truth.  We all just want to be loved and sometimes it’s just easier to swallow the crazy pill than to be honest with yourself and walk away from something you’ve grown attached to.  But you can’t fix crazy and you definitely can’t fight crazy with crazy.  It’s like when they say never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. In this instance, you’re the unarmed man.  You will not win.  Show me one guy who doesn’t have a “crazy” ex-girlfriend and I’ll show you a liar.  That girl didn’t become psycho on her own.  They never do.  It’s like when someone knocks down the first domino and the rest just follow suit.

kirsten smithSo, I held on until it was no longer possible.  My fingers had to let go in the end and I was forced to begin picking up my own dominos.  Perhaps the only really crazy part was trying to salvage a situation and person who was completely hopeless.  I was not only staying on the Titanic while it sank, I’d gone ahead and sat down with a cocktail to watch.  I can tell you one thing for sure, no one ever won a prize for staying in the midst of a storm.  So, as I sat and tried to figure it all out in the aftermath, my dad reminded me, yet again, that if I understood why some people act the way they do then he’d need to start worrying about me.  And so, the first moment you detect the slightest bit of batty, you need to cut your losses and look for the nearest exit- unless you, too, want to come unhinged.


As it turns out, crazy is contagious and there is no known cure.



photos by Michael Stielger

Why Did You Date Him: Hide and Seek

By |February 24th, 2011|Why Did You Date Him?|

It always seems that the people who are looking the hardest for love are the ones without it.  Seems unfair, but I suppose that’s just the way the cookie crumbles.  Maybe it’s because they seem desperate.  Maybe it’s because they are looking so hard they can’t see what’s right in front of their face.  Whatever the case may be, they are unable to find love.

I won’t disclose all the details (I’ll save that for my novel), but let’s just say that I found true love in a very unexpected fashion.  A little over a year ago, I had been coping with the aftermath of a gut wrenching breakup by going out a lot and dating several different boys without the intent of committing to any of them.  I had sworn off marriage altogether and decided that living in a beach shack with my beautiful adopted children and pets would be just fine.

And then a funny thing happened. I needed help with a project and a girlfriend of mine put me in touch with a former colleague who she’d remained friendly with.  From the first email, there was a connection.  I looked forward to each and every one of his email exchanges more than an episode of Gossip Girl.  While they had started as formal and work related, they turned into hilariously quick back and forth banter that I’d never shared with anyone before.  One of my friends called it early on, but I refused to admit that I’d met my match.

I fought it the entire time.  I had four million different reasons why it couldn’t be. He wasn’t even remotely my “type.” He lived across the country.  He couldn’t possibly like me…  He was my mirror image and he was exactly what I needed.  I raised my white flag and finally surrendered to the love that had been there all along.

My point is this.  Once you come to terms with yourself and the possibility of being alone, you’re more likely to be open to someone else.  Perhaps when you are looking so hard for love, you force things that aren’t meant to be.  You may even settle for someone who is only “eh” rather than “AH!”  Sometimes people are so scared of being alone that they accept behavior and people who aren’t worthy.  You can’t find love.  Love can only find you and you’ve got to be ready and willing when it knocks on your door.  It may very well show up looking a bit different than you’d imagined, but it’s love all the same.

Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own loveless ness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it. -D.H. Lawrence



Guest Blog: The Student Teaches the Master

By |May 8th, 2010|Guest Blogger|

heartbrokenI am very happy to introduce my guest blogger this week. I remember this pretty little lady when she was merely a sweet little baby girl in middle school. Now, she’s all grown up and ready to take on the world.  She’s my very best friend’s younger sister and we were both shocked (and awed) by how wise she is at such a young age. Oh, if ONLY we had been so smart upon graduating college. We probably could have avoided some of our trainwreck romances… but then again, what would I have to write about? Anyway, below is Lala’s advice oh how to avoid any more dating drama:

Are you starting to see patterns of failure in your love life? We , as women, want to believe that our failed relationships should be blamed on men. Maybe you do have a cheater on your hands, or maybe you have a guy who is afraid of commitment. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of skeezy guys whose intentions we couldn’t see coming even if the truth was hitting us right in the face, but when you start to see a pattern of one failed relationship after another, it’s important to realize that it could be you who needs to do the changing.

This can get confusing, and you don’t want to go blaming yourself for everything, so here is how you tell:

  • Is there a reoccurring theme in the way your relationships end?
  • Do you feel hurt, but completely out of control in cleaning up the debris of your relationship?
  • Do you think you don’t deserve answers because of the way in which you let the relationship evolve, and then end?
  • Do you get intimately involved too quickly?
  • Did you let him talk down to you during the relationship and not stand up for yourself because he wasn’t technically your “boyfriend”?
  • Do you see yourself having to let go out of nowhere?

Now, this type of relationship is by no means what any woman would consider desirable, yet some of us are so afraid to be happy, and then hurt, that we set ourselves up with the wrong people, and ultimately, for disaster.

Many of us have a subconscious commitment-phobia. We undermine what we deserve in a relationship because we do not want to be let down by our expectations, so we go for the men who we do not believe we would ever make a serious commitment to. At the beginning, we do not think this person would ever have the power to hurt us. Ultimately, we are terrified of the men who could give us happiness, and then take it away. We have this pathetic preference of numbness over happiness and, potentially, pain.

In order to overcome this detrimental pattern that leads to a completely unfulfilling love life, we need to reassure ourselves of what needs to be done in order to begin a healthy relationship. First, we need to recognize what we deserve, and then expose our vulnerabilities to start something that could actually be real. Tell yourself these five things before the start of a relationship:

  1. I know I deserve happiness and to get what I want from a man: love, loyalty, friendship, and passion.
  2. I need to stop talking to losers. If I am not interested, I have to STOP trying to be so nice! Tell him straight up, “I am not interested,” and walk away. We tend to feel sorry for some guys who hit on us and we’re too nice while trying to escape them. They often get the wrong idea and believe that we’re interested. As the old saying goes, you must be cruel to be kind!
  3. I should try a little harder when I see someone I want. I can’t expect him to do all of the work. It’s not forward to give him “the eye” and a smile. Let him know you’re checking him out! For those of us who are more outgoing, just walk over and start up a convo. What’s the harm?
  4. I need to take things slow and allow the emotions to build before the sex, not after the sex. I know we like to pretend that men want sex much more than we do, but let’s face it, it’s hard to hold off! Especially when there is a real connection. Just give yourself some time, and make sure you are both on the same page emotionally before you dive into the sheets.
  5. I need to work on my courage. If I feel something, I should tell him! If he does not feel the same, you won’t have any regrets or wonder what could have been. It also allows you to move on from something that is not fully there. If he does feel the same, game on!

Take these steps in the beginning of your next potential relationship or romance. Understanding what you want and what you deserve before diving in will make that relationship much more fulfilling both mentally and physically.



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See, I TOLD you she was smart! Brains and beauty, people. Anyone looking for fresh new voice for their publication? Probs should scoop this one up before someone else does (email me @ whydidyouwearthat@whydid.com).

