Gift Guide: Just in the St. Nick of Time
Oh, right, it’s that time of year again. I guess that means I need to be less self absorbed for a few minutes and do some holiday shopping. Luckily, like many of you, I’ve left this til the last minute, but have come up with some clever ideas that you can snatch up quickly and no one will be the wiser.
- Since I’m clearly obsessed with myself, I think a Flip Video recorder is kind of an awesome gift. Why would I not want to document my puppy’s every move? Or hilarious nights out with my friends? This is a great gift for new parents or newlyweds as well.
Flip Video Camera, $149.99-$199.99
- I got sushi making lessons as a gift once. It was actually a really fun and thoughtful gift. Do it as a couple of do it with a group of friends. The Institute of Culinary Educational has several different recreational classes that range from wine pairings to Italian cuisine.
- Clearly, I like to play games. Why not get a set of games, old classics like backgammon, Monopoly, or Trivial Pursuit? Just because we’re over the age of five doesn’t mean we should stop playing like children. Besides, who doesn’t like a good challenge?
7 in 1 Game Compendium, $49.95
- A deliciously, wonderfully soft cashmere throw. I really can’t think of someone who would not appreciate this. And I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a cashmere allergy.
Sofia Cashmere Fringed Throw, $300
- For your jet-setting friends, this little translator makes for an interesting gift. If you are really going for brownie points, couple this translator with a trip somewhere special where you can put this little guy to good use.
Lingo Xplorer Talking Translator, $219.99
- For your healthy friends who may not have time/access to the studios of Physique57, they now have full DVD sets of the workouts. Probably a good idea after stuffing your face all holiday season. No one likes a fatty…
Physique57 Complete 3 Disc Full Body Workout, $49.95
If these aren’t working for you, you could always reference my picks from last year (don’t forget my gift giving rules for you, fellas) since they are still relevant … well, except that painting of me and my ex-boyfriend that I received. But enough about me… Happy shopping.