
Why Did You Wear That: Baby, You’re a Firework

By |July 4th, 2013|Personal Style|

This year’s Fourth of July couldn’t have fallen more perfectly on the calendar.  A four day weekend?  God bless, is right.  This, however, led many to stress out over where they’d spend such a fortuitous long weekend.  I couldn’t even begin to tell you where I was last year during the Fourth.  I’ve given it a bit of thought, and I have zero recollection.  Sadly, that has no correlation to the amount of fun that was had.  The year before, I watched fireworks alone on my rooftop, simply because it was less frightening to hear the fireworks if I could actually see them.  To be honest, fireworks scare me, but I also have an irrational fear of dragonflies, so it doesn’t hold much weight.  I do, however, love the ol’ US of A despite all its flaws.  I’ve never been one to wear a Christmas sweater or paint my face for a football game, but I do think it’s nice to give a patriotic nod to our great United States by adding a bit of red, white, and blue to your holiday ensemble– in a totally non-obvious manner, of course.

bikini: Cia Maritima, shorts, H&M, glasses: random party store, bag: c/o Violetta, dog: Smitty In the City, necklace: c/o Nashelle, bracelet: c/o Style Queen

denim shorts

kirsten smith

girl in backwards hathat: Quicksilver, shirt: vintage Limited (as in middle school vintage), dress: American Apparel, boots: Frye, bracelets: Alex & Ani, c/o Style Queen

new york rooftop

kirsten smithHappy Fourth of July from WhyDid.  Sparkle responsibly.



WhyDid and Win: You Want This Kohl in Your Stocking.

By |December 10th, 2012|Why Did You Wear That?|

We all dream of designer duds, but not all of us have the deep pockets to afford them.  That’s why all of the luxury designer collaborations have been major for all of us aspiring fashionistas.  There was Missoni for Target, Margiela for H&M, Christopher Kane for Topshop, and Prabal Gurung for J. Crew to name a few.  This past October, Narciso Rogriguez unveiled its collaboration with Kohl’s at the IAC building in New York.  I was fortunate enough to score an invite to a truly beautiful event.  As if the atmosphere and passed cocktails/hors d’ooeuvres weren’t enough, we were all gifted a serious swag bag on the way out chocked full of pieces from the collection.  Several attendees were decked out in the pieces as well, and I’ve got to say, they looked absolutely fabulous.  The look was strong colorblocking, detailed tailoring, and bright pops of color and pattern.

I was super psyched about a pair of really rad silk pajama pants in my bag, but alas all items were size Medium, which means they are sadly a little bit too big.  Sucks for me… awesome for two of you!  Since I don’t have one millimeter of spare closet space, I will be giving away my goodies to two winners who follow and retweet this message.  Be sure to include the #hashtag for the prize you’d like to win.  ‘Tis the season for sharing (and how amazing would these little numbers be for holiday soirees?).

Good luck!




Note: Narciso Rodriguez and Kohl’s are not directly affiliated with this contest.

Smart Is the New Pretty: Love in the Air

By |October 24th, 2012|Smart Is the New Pretty|

true love

I mean, just because I’ve basically become asexual doesn’t mean the rest of the world has.  It’s cuffing season, after all.  So while I’m happiest sitting home rubbing Smitty’s belly with one hand and holding a glass of pinot in the other, it would appear the rest of the world is falling truly, madly, deeply.

  • The moment we’ve all (okay, I’ve) been waiting for… Jess Biel’s wedding dress revealed (and it’s pink?). [NY Mag]
  • Eva Longoria dumped Mark Sanchez… and fortunately for him, I happen to be free on Friday. [Page Six]
  • Which means I will definitely need something snazzy to wear… thank heavens for Maison Martin Margiela collection for H&M (see entire collection here). [Fashionista]
  • And just in case everything sells out before I can peel myself from bed, here are a few other date outfit options. [Refinery29]
  • If he doesn’t watch it, I may just plant a big fat kiss on him like this little Romeo. [Gawker]
  • We could dance the night away in New York’s soon to be biggest dance party, Space. [Eater]
  • Perhaps you’re more of the stay at home type, Mark.  That’s cool. I’ll just whip up this pumpkin lasagna. NBD. [Food Network]
  • I may need to go ahead and stock up on Agent Provocatuer’s new diffusion line, L’Agent. [Refinery29]
  • And should things not pan out… Let’s throw in a little Ryan Gosling… just for good measure. [NY Mag]



WhyDid or Why Don’t: Changing Faces

By |December 21st, 2011|Why Did or Why Don't?|

You may have never heard of her, but she’s about to blow up in the Hollywood scene- so pay attention.  Her name is Rooney Mara and she currently stars in the much anticipated book series turned movie, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  While it seems as though she came from complete obscurity, take a closer look.  You may recognize her as the young lady who dumped “Zuckerberg” in The Social Network.  She’s come a long way from pretty Harvard undergrad to ass kicking investigator.

Mara was transformed from girl next door to edgy misfit by bleaching her eyebrows, dyeing her hair black, shaving parts of it off, and most dramatically piercing her ears, eyebrow, nose, lip, and nipple (yes, nipple).  It’s like a completely different woman.

Whether you’ve already read the books or seen the original Swedish films, it’s hard not to be drawn into the haunting plot and hard to ignore the strange beauty of Rooney Mara.  When she signed on to the role, they made a point of letting her know that she’d be keeping this look for the next five years (seeing as there are two sequels)… so hopefully she likes it.  H&M thinks you’ll like the look so much that they’ve actually designed a line based off of the American film (which had gone under attack for “glamorizing rape”).  But that’s not the point… the point is, what do you think?  Would you trade in your squeaky clean image for something a bit  more extreme like Mara did?



Smart is the New Pretty: Breaking Up is Hard to Do

By |September 28th, 2011|Smart Is the New Pretty|

We’ve all been through it.  The gut wrenching, heart shattering, hysteria inducing breakup.  And just as we’ve all experienced it– we’ve also all survived it.  So, this week, we will help a sexy starlet get through her very own heartbreak.

I wish both parties the best.  Breaking up is never easy… but we all get through it.