
Gift Guide: I Like It Ruff

By |December 17th, 2012|Gift Guide|

a girl and her dog kirsten smithOkay, I may not need to shop for a man, but I do have to shop for “my man.”  In case you didn’t get the memo, my heart belongs to one man and one man only.  His name’s Smitty and he is, no doubt, the love of my life.  We are basically inseparable- as a matter of fact, I’m typing this with one hand cause he’s laying on my other arm- and he has at times become a point of contention in my relationships.  Turns out, guys get a little bummed once they realize I’ll probably never love them as much as Smitty (helpful hint: never answer the question, “Burning building: me or the dog?”).  Hey, he was here first.  I don’t trust a guy who doesn’t like Smitty (and vice versa) and if you don’t love dogs, you ain’t no friend of mine.  So, here’s to spoiling our undaunted companions who have seen our worst and love us all the same.

gifts for dogs

1. Beach House Dog House, $89.99-159.99, 2. Dogeared Dog Lover Necklace, $58, 3. PuchiBag Tote, $159.99,  4. Polo Ralph Lauren Reindeer Dog Sweater, $85, 5. JazTy Pet Dog Bed, $249.95, 6. Kaico International Meat and Cheese Plate Toys, $9.99, 7. Charles Fradin Personalized Dog Note Pad Set, $90, 8. WARE of the DOG Intarsia Knit Dog Sweater, $140, 9. Fallon Necklace Collar, $170

Oh, and he can do no wrong.  Your shoes?  They were actually his the minute you walked in the door.

No bones about it.



Setting the Mood: Pet Project

By |January 23rd, 2012|Setting the Mood|

When people ask me what I’m passionate about, there are two things that always come up: fashion and animals.  I can understand why some might furrow their brows in confusion upon hearing that.  They don’t seem like two things that normally go together.  My parents thought I might become a veterinarian seeing as I was always begging for a new pet, be it a guinea pig or a pot belly pig.  I’m also the same kid who rescued and bottle fed baby squirrels and wild rabbits.  And I think I’ve been quite clear about Smitty.  Then again, my first temper tantrum was over a pair or red patent leather shoes…

I have always wished for a way to combine two of my great loves.  Just short of starting a dog t-shirt line, I haven’t been able to come up with much.  However, it seems I’m not alone in my love for all things furry.  These photos show just how much a pooch can add to your Prada or a kitty can jazz up your Calvins.  Turns out your furry friend may very well be your best accessory.

1. Space Living Bosco Dog Bed, $67, 2. Balenciaga Classic Dog Leash, $295, 3. Bark n Bag Luxury Plush Pet Toy Set, $32, 4. I LOVE MY DOG Sweater, $130

Sit.  Stay.  Good girl.

