The List Volume 8 Billion
Alright, it probably isn’t eight billion, but I’ve written so many lists, I’ve lost count, so just go with it. It’s been a while, but I’ve returned to the original “list” format… and don’t worry, you’re not on it.
- People who talk to me on airplanes. We’re seatmates, not friends.
- Runaway peacocks.
- Backhanded compliments.
- Bailey’s non-alcoholic creamer. What’s the point?
- Kelly Osbourne’s rant on Christina Aguilera and Kate Middelton. Who decided this girl is relevant? Not only is she crass, but she’s completely out of touch with reality.
- Cheap disposable razors. Probably better off shaving with shards of glass.
- Empty refrigerators. If there’s not even enough to make a sandwich, it’s time to hit the supermarket.
- Kool-Aid colored hair.
- Wearing headphones while driving. Is that even legal?
- People who can’t park in the confines of a parking space. These are the same people who leave their carts in the parking lot.
Ah, now don’t you feel better?