
Beauty Buzz: A Monthly Visit that Doesn’t Suck

By |August 11th, 2011|Beauty Buzz|

A couple of weeks ago, Stephie reminded us how truly fantastic beauty samples are.  So great, that some can even change up your entire beauty routine.  Well, it seems that she’s not the only one who realized just how valuable samples are.  Three very clever young ladies, Hayley, Katia, and Mollie, also picked up on the awesomeness that are samples.  They took beauty samples to a whole new level by creating a little something called Birch Box.

What is Birch Box you ask?  Well, other than being the best ten dollars you’ll ever spend, it’s a beauty sample delivery service that brings new and exciting products (tailored to your individual preferences/beauty needs) to your cute little “welcome” mat each and every month.  I know.  Kind of unbelievable, right?  I received my first Birch Box this week and it was like Christmas (or Hanukkah).  And to think… it’s gonna happen every month!  Kinda balances out that whole “visit from Mother Nature” thing, huh?

I have yet to try all of the samples which included:

I did try the June Jacobs masque and loved it.  My skin was fresh and glowing – as it should be.  So, if you are a beauty junkie like me and perhaps need a little monthly perk, I suggest you hightail over to BirchBox and get your very own little pink box.  It’s almost as good as being a beauty editor at Allure… and for now it’ll have to do.  (P.S. I will keep you updated as to the rest of the samples).

—Sorry, I just realized how ridiculous it is that I have not “tested out” the Twistband hair tie.  Please hold…  Works just great (no sharp metal to cause split ends) and it looks a heck of a lot cuter on your wrist than normal rubberbands. Gonna need to stock up.



Why Did You Date Him: You Don’t Always Get What You Want…

By |July 23rd, 2010|Why Did You Date Him?|

Girl Writing

Once upon a time a friend told me that I should go ahead and write down everything I wanted in a mate. Every single last little detail down to his hair color, shoe size, and favorite ice cream. She explained that by doing so, I would be putting it out there in “the universe.” She was on some kind of The Secret kick, but having gone through several traumatic third dates, I figured, “What the hell? Why not?”

So, I got to work writing down little things like his height, his goals, his age, his hobbies, the size of his… brain. Anything I could think of that mattered to me, I scribbled down on that piece of paper. It was like being five again and writing down your Christmas list for Santa. Now all I needed to do was sit back and wait for this so called “universe” to go ahead and deliver Prince Charming like a Barbie Dreamhouse.

At times I got a little impatient, but one fine day, my wish was finally granted, and I was presented with a gentleman (let’s use the term lightly, kids) who seemed to really fit my bill. He was basically all the things that I had hoped for on my little perfect mate wishlist despite the fact that he showed up for our first date wearing True Religion jeans (yes, I did specify that he would not own a pair of True Religions and in hindsight, this should have been my first clue). Needless to say, things did not quite pan out as planned and before long, I was cursing that damn list.

How on earth was it possible that after getting everything I’d wished for I was eventually left back at square one with absolutely nothing? Well, I’ll tell you how. Let’s go ahead and pretend that it isn’t totally ridiculous to think that writing a wishlist will get you everything you want (Uh- how many times did Santa forget that Easy Bake Oven?). The real problem? I seem to have left off a few key factors like “honest” and “loyal” and a few other core values that would have proven to be helpful. I was so fixated on superficial things that I thought I wanted that I forgot to focus on the things that matter in the long run.

Boy oh boy, if I could track down this list I’d first, die of second hand embarrassment for myself and then burn it. Better yet, I would keep it as a reminder to be careful what you wish for.

You may not get what you want, but if you’re very, very lucky, you’ll get what you need.

