
The List, Volume III

By |May 7th, 2010|The List|


I mean, I think it’s all of our favorite time of the week… THE list. Did you make the cut?

  1. Brandy aka Bran’Nu. Are you kidding me? Stop. It.
  2. Humidity. Not good for my weave.
  3. Acrylic nails. Are we still doing that?
  4. Boys with highlights. Let’s swap spit, not hair products.
  5. Katy Perry’s light up dress. Talk about a waste of energy.050410-katy-623
  6. Jennifer Lopez’s publicist. She’s doing a great job. Good for J.Lo, bad for us.
  7. Pretty Wild. How did this show not get canceled after the first episode? And why do I not have a show? I can swing from a pole too, you know.
  8. Car bombs. How DARE you try to blow up our fair city.
  9. People who tuck their pants into their sandals. WTF??!!TuckItIn
  10. Being uninformed. If you’ve got 30 minutes for The Hills, you’ve got 30 minutes to at least scan the newspaper. Nothing better than beauty + brains.

Have a great weekend – and pick up the Sunday Times…



Beauty Buzz: Clawing Her Way to the Top

By |November 19th, 2009|Beauty Buzz|

I was literally JUST discussing acrylic nails with my  manicurist while he lacquered me up with Butter’s La Moss as I lounged at my very favorite hangout, Ryan Darius Salon. (Seriously, I’m concerned they are going to either start charging me rent or put me to work shampooing!)

We were laughing about airbrushed tips and butterfly nail art and the next thing you know, as I’m catching up on the TV that I missed for various reasons, I see THIS:

1117-blake_lively_nails_zoom_bdReally? Really, Serena? Are we doing this? You’re one PATH ride, an airbrushed kitty, and a couple of rhinestones away from belonging in a different state (Jersey, anyone?) I’m sure there is a perfectly good explanation for this oversight in styling.  I’ll be patiently awaiting this explanation.




P.S. you almost, ALMOST killed Gaga’s appearance for me.