Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream
Remember last week when I schooled you on the beauty basic that is primer? And the best primers for mature skin. Well, while doing my due diligence and rounding up the best primers on the market, I kept stumbling across this product called “BB cream.” I had seen a couple of commercials also touting the unfamiliar name, but really thought nothing of it until, I noticed that Sephora had an entire product section devoted to this elusive beauty balm.
Being a total beauty junkie, I was utterly intrigued and hightailed it over to get myself some Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream. BB Cream is supposed to be the secret to totally flawless skin when worn under your foundation. The original BB creams (made popular in Asia) contain skin lighteners… not something I particularly need, seeing as I’m resembling Casper these days (can you say vitamin D deficiency?). They have been mostly removed from the Western versions, but they have not skimped on the other benefits. Most BB creams contain sunscreen, moisturizers, and anti-aging ingredients (much like primers). The main difference I noticed with Smashbox’s version, at least, was the amazing coverage. To be honest, I don’t actually wear foundation. Usually just something tinted and a bit of powder. This particular potion is the answer to all my complexion prayers. It’s enough coverage to hide any unsightly blemishes (not that I ever have those), but not so heavy that I feel like I’m wearing an opera mask. It stayed put all day and I got several compliments on what lovely skin I had all day.
There may be a bit of redundancy with primers and BB cream in my book. I would, however, be more likely to trade my primer in for Smashbox’s Camera Ready, unless, of course, you have a primer that is made with water from the fountain of youth… and diamonds. You don’t, do you?

This Smashbox BB Cream is fantastic: great to wear alone with a touch of powder for daytime and when worn under a medium to full coverage foundation it gives an absolutely FLAW-LESS face without having to layer primer, conealer etc on problem areas (not that we have any). It may be a touch pricy compared to drug store brands but its TOTALLY worth it. Thanks for the post. Have a great week 🙂