I’ve gone on at lengths about how important it is to take good care of your skin at an early age. It’s called prevention. I only wish I had not spent so much time in tanning beds in college because even though I’m still young, I’ve already started to notice the effects that excessive UV exposure has had on my precious dermis. Thanks God sun damage can be effectively treated at Touch Up Laser (you can check here for details).
Every single day, you should be applying SPF along with your regular skincare regimen. Even when it’s winter, even when it’s hazy, even when you don’t feel like it. Sometimes it can be hard to find a formula that isn’t greasy or smelly or doesn’t make your skin break out. Enter Remede Translucent UV Coat:
Remede Translucent UV Coat SPF 30, $40
This stuff is incredibly light weight (and oil free!) while covering any imperfections and leaving your skin looking literally flawless. You can’t even tell that you have anything on your face, but it will make you look like you’ve never had a pimple or exposed your skin to the harsh elements. It is probably the best stuff I’ve ever owned. Anyone who knows me, knows that I despise foundation and powder. I’d rather walk around with a huge blinking blemish showing than cake up my face with tons of concealer. So, not only is your skin now sheer perfection, you are also guarding it from those pesky UV rays and preventing wrinkles. Double win. You may think $40 a pop is steep… but it’s a heck of a lot cheaper than a facelift.

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