Seeing as Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I do spend quite a bit of time bitching about things sucking, I figured I would make a list of things that I am incredibly thankful for. Here are ten (in mostly no particular order) of the many things I have to be thankful for:

  1. This guy. I do not know how I would function every day without him.
  2. My incredibly wonderful and supportive family… though now I’ve noticed we are long overdue for a family portrait.
  3. Prosecco.
  4. Living in a country where I can say, do, or wear anything I want all while turning on a faucet for clean water.
  5. Having some of the world’s best friends (who don’t mind a theme).
  6. Having had the opportunity to live in one of the best cities in the world (NY, obvi). The experiences are irreplaceable.
  7. Love. Real, true, pure, magical love.
  8. Thongs. No, I’m serious. Can you imagine a lifetime of VPL (visible panty lines)?
  9. Technology: cell phones, computers, TV’s, the INTERNET! How else would you be able to keep up with WhyDid?
  10. Most importantly, everyone who is reading this. A bored at work hobby has turned into more than I ever could have imagined. Couldn’t do it without you.

Count your blessings!

