It’s that time again. A week full of things that got my blood boiling. Did you make the list?
- People comparing Christina Aguilera to Lady Gaga. Love Gags, but Xtina has been around for over ten years. Come on. No one’s re-inventing the wheel here.
- April showers. I better see a LOT of May flowers with the kind of nonsense you threw at us, April.
- The Zegerid OTC commercial. I don’t need to see your pudgy white chest. Ever. Got heartburn just watching it. Clever marketing.
- Tyra Banks’ jumpsuits.
- Tyra Banks.
- People’s inability to use the sidewalk efficiently. Again, can someone please write an etiquette book on this?
- Oil spills. Ever see a Dawn commercial? Not cool.
- Cramps. One of the many joys of being a woman.
- The man in the purple velvet blazer who tried to pick me up off the street. See this face? Not interested.
- The German Shepard down the hall who licks his lips every time he sees Smitty. He’s not a snack, Kujo. Slow your roll.
Happy Friday!
you for got one thing on the list!
I’m with you there, Smitty. When I first arrived in Iowa, someone who will remain unnamed, threatened to feed me to the “real dog” (like Australians shepherds really rank!).