
Beauty Buzz: Skin is the New “It” Bag

By |August 5th, 2009|Beauty Buzz|


I can’t figure out why everyone seems so shocked that tanning beds are ranked way up there on the list of things that give you cancer.  This really shouldn’t be news to anyone. Tanning beds increase your cancer risk by 75% when introduced before the age of 30. Now, I can’t lie. I went to college in a town where we clearly thought we lived in Beverly Hills. A day could not be complete without a stop by the gym and tanning bed (this went for GUYS and girls).  Luckily, my tanning habit ended when I received my diploma.

Not only does excessive tanning make you prone to skin cancer, it also makes you prone to wrinkles and saggy, pruney skin.  Not cute.  With all of the products on the market, it surprises me that people are still paying up to sizzle down. Here is great site which tells how to have successful treatment on cancer.

Even though people are holding back on those new Prada shoes and Chloe bags, they are still spending their hard earned cash on something seasonless- their skin.  While not completely recession proof, the skincare industry has been riding out these tough economic times with a great deal of ease.  With that being said, you are wasting your money buying expensive skin creams if you are just following them up with a few minutes in a tanning bed.  By frying yourself, you’re completely canceling out all the benefits of your fancy face lotion.

I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, “Bacon looks better brown!” but this doesn’t mean you have to ruin your skin to get a golden bronze. Here’s how to fake a Hawaiian Tropic tan without out scorching your skin:

  • Moisturize– Can’t stress it enough. Your face and body need to be slathered with moisture daily.  You can get wrinkles on your body too! Yuck! To keep your skin soft and supple, choose a moisturizer specifically for your skin type.  Many moisturizers also now contain SPF which makes your life that much easier.


Clarins HydraQuench SPF 15 Cream

200Dove Pro Age Cream Oil Lotion SPF 5

  • Exfoliate– Try and exfoliate both face and body once a week to slough off dull skin.

P232915_lgExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment

BLISS-295Bliss Blood Orange + White Pepper Sugar Scrub

  • Bronze– Now it’s time to fake that golden goddess glow. A couple of routes here.  I switch daily between a tanning body lotion and my regular body lotion.  Another option is doing a once weekly tanning treatment at home (following your exfoliating treatment). Lastly, you can go to a local salon that does spray tanning if you don’t trust yourself (again-after you exfoliate).

200-1Jergens Natural Glow Foaming Daily Moisturizer

SUNSPONGE_medrModel Co Sun Sponge

imagesMystic Tan Self Tanning System

  • Protect– Just because you now are a bronze bunny, doesn’t mean you are safe from the sun’s UV rays.  You still need to make sure to use at least SPF 15 while in the sun.

prod_hero_sheer15Hawaiian Tropic Sheer Touch Lotion SPF 15

Now go on, my little bronze beauties. Show off that beautiful “sun kissed” skin. Just because you didn’t buy that new handbag, doesn’t mean your skin should look like leather.



Why Did You Wear That: Somebody Call 911…

By |August 4th, 2009|Celebrity Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

I know it’s probably not nice to pick on poor Mischa after being hospitalized for a mental breakdown, but…


Seriously???  I’m thinking that perhaps this photo is, in fact, actually what may have caused her hospitalization.  After seeing herself looking like a complete and utter train wreck, she realized she had truly lost her mind. Not sure exactly where to start, but I guess the dress is as good a place as any.

It looks like a reject from Frederick’s of Hollywood or perhaps she is taking Shark Week a little too seriously and was going for the “I just got attacked by Jaws and lived to tell about it” look.  Either way, it’s a disaster and her FUPA is in full view. Ever heard of Spanx?

Tights in July/August? Probably not unless you are living much closer to the North/South Pole. Rule of thumb, if your dress is too short to be worn without tights, you probably shouldn’t be wearing it and it’s probably actually a shirt.

Her bloated head, crazy eyes, and mangled mane aren’t really helping her look either. She needs a blow out and dry shampoo STAT.

Cherry on top? The woman in the left of this photo who seems to be biting her lip and thinking, “Oooh, girl…”  We’re with you, lady.

I hope that Mischa comes out of the hospital looking as fresh as she did in her days as Marissa on The OC.  Along with a little rehab and a few self help books, she could probably use a style exorcism. Sending our love, Mischa.



Beauty Buzz: Kiss This

By |August 4th, 2009|Beauty Buzz, Guest Blogger|


La Mer- The Lip Balm

For smashingly soft lips, try this heaven in a jar. Sister to la Mer’s marine based Miracle Broth, Crème de la Mere, this product does all it promises by leaving lips smoother, softer, and more supple than ever before.

Work it.



Why Did You Wear That: “Paws”itively Stylish

By |August 3rd, 2009|Gift Guide, Why Did You Wear That?|


Anyone who knows me is aware that the only thing I possibly love more than fashion is animals.  That’s why I was so excited to learn about the Heart U Back jewelry line.  It combines two of my very favorite things!

Gavin Kovacs created a jewelry line aimed at best friends and animal lovers alike.  It’s a collection of pendants, bangles, and friendship bracelets (a la Chan Luu) all designed with the Heart U Back logo.  The best part? A portion of all proceeds go to the ASPCA.  So you can feel good about your new purchase and know that you did something good for your furry friends today.





