The List Volume LIII
Sometimes I’m a rainbow colored basket full of kittens and glitter. Other times I’m more like a tornado of cacti and vinegar. Today is the latter.
- Wait… why is the failing marriage of Tareq and Michaele Salahi national news?
- Toddlers and Tiaras, Toddlers and Tiaras, Toddlers and Tiaras.
- Biting your lip. And then biting it again in the same place. Repeatedly.
- E! Fashion Police. How can anyone take anything Kelly Osbourne says seriously?
- Couples with “joint” Facebook accounts. JaneJohn Doe liked your photo. If you have to share a Facebook account, you have bigger issues than only one computer in the house.
- Speaking of Facebook, I think this whole “timeline” layout is a disaster waiting to happen. You really want my entire history on FB on here? Yikes, bring on the domestics!
- Dancing with the Stars. Should it be Dancing with the Star F*#ckers?
- Trolls.
- Kim Kardashian’s sex tape. Did we forget about this?
- That satellite falling from outer space – headed directly for earth. They say there’s a 1 in 3200 chance of being hit… but I’m not the gambling type.