
WhyDid Wisdom: Get In Where You Fit In

By |December 27th, 2012|WhyDid Wisdom|

Four years (and a month) ago, I sat at my desk in my grey cubicle in my grey carpeted office and stared at an Excel spreadsheet while my eyes began to cross and water.  I spun around in my lopsided pleather chair- certainly an original piece of furniture from the early nineties- and nearly toppled over a pile of Hanky Panky holiday samples to see my friend, Stephanie, grinning at the entry of my own personal hell.  “Ready for lunch?” she said.  I nodded too quickly.

Spending half an hour across the street at Devon and Blakely with her over a cup of lentil soup was basically the highlight of my days.  While I had a job that most girls would consider a “dream job,” I found myself struggling to excel.  I was disinterested for the most part aside from the actual selection of product and styling of pieces.  The entering of orders, tracking of shipments, and balancing of budgets was the majority of my role and I just was not what one might consider a “star employee.”  I constantly felt guilty for not feeling giddy about my job and tried my best to be a superstar, but I was just not meant to sit behind a desk and crunch numbers.  One day, one of my colleagues actually voiced that.  She turned to me in a buyers’ meeting and said, “Kirsten, you’re too funny and pretty to be here.  You should go enroll in acting classes or something.”  An actress I’m not, but I was made aware at that specific moment that everyone knew I didn’t fit in the corporate world.  I hung in for another year and a half before that whole recession thing happened and retail took a beating forcing many offices to eliminate entire departments and completely restructure their corporate offices.  Stephanie and I were unluckily, or luckily depending on how you look at it, part of the trimming of the fat.  We weren’t alone though.  Ever see a bar full of buyers getting hammered before noon?  Dive bars have never made so many martinis.

kirsten smithFortunately, before all of the chaos, I had been on a double date with a girl who informed me she was a “blogger.”  She was a very nice girl, but not particularly brilliant or earth shatteringly interesting.  I thought to myself, “I can do that.”  The next day, I signed up for a Tumblr account and bought the domain WhyDidYouWearThat.com.  The idea stemmed from seeing so many girls wearing so many horrific outfits, namely leggings as pants.  When I started blogging I hadn’t the slightest clue as to what I was doing.  Fortunately, I had a college pal who was instrumental in setting me off in the right direction.  Should I ever hit it big time, he’ll be the first person I write a check to.  I wrote my posts anonymously.  Honestly, I didn’t think anyone was even reading them.  I was writing as a creative outlet to balance out all of the arithmetic of my daily tasks.  I had totally forgotten how much I enjoyed writing.  Instead of having conversations with myself in my head, I started writing all of my thoughts down.

Then something funny happened.  I started seeing my hits go up and up and up on Google Analytics.  People were reading this?  My Facebook page started growing.  Strangely enough, people were paying attention.  Almost a year or so in, I wrote a post that was quite a bit more personal than my typical WTF?! posts.  I even included photos of myself, which I hadn’t really done before.  My hits spiked and I realized that I had cracked the code.  I realized that I was able to connect with readers on a more personal level.  I could communicate with them without polarizing them.  We could commiserate.  We could laugh.  We could cry.  We could think.  We could be girlfriends… even though I don’t even know most of them.  I wanted women to know that there is someone out there dealing with the same problems as they are: whether it be finding the perfect hair product, or clever way to hide bra straps, or heal a broken heart.  I wasn’t here to make them feel bad about all the clothes and stuff I have that they didn’t (which I don’t have).  I wanted to be a safe place, a fun place, a release from a shitty day at the office with an Excel sheet and bitchy clients.

leggings are not pantsAnd while I was kind of forced into figuring out what I loved doing by being fired, it wasn’t easy.  I tried to get jobs after being laid off.  I got a few, but they weren’t particularly fulfilling or long lasting.  The jobs I would have wanted, I couldn’t get.  I was either overqualified or didn’t have the “right” experience to get them.  So, I realized that I just needed to put my head down and focus on creating something for myself.  Sure, I have a long way to go and I’m still learning even now.  I had no idea four years ago when I wrote my first post that this was what I was meant to be doing.  It was just a silly whim that grew legs and started sprinting.  There have been times I’ve wanted to quit, but I believe everyone feels that way at one point or another.  I get frustrated that I’ve worked hard for years and still have not made it to where I want to be and some bloggers have just walked onto the scene and been scooped up by agents and brands and critics.  When I see that happen, I get discouraged.  I start to think maybe I’m no good.  However, when I really think about throwing in the towel, I think about my readers.  I think about all the kind comments and emails and the friendships that have come from doing what I do.  I think about how much I really do enjoy writing and here I am.

So as to not make this all about “me” (you’ve got to be a little narcissistic to be a blogger afterall), I want you to know that sometimes when you are being rejected left and right and nothing seems to be working, it isn’t because you aren’t good enough.  Maybe it’s just life’s gentle nudge telling you that there is something else for you.  Maybe you just need to dig deep and figure out what you love and what your true calling is.  Don’t feel bad because you aren’t fitting into that round hole if you’re a square peg.  Know that you are just being pointed in the right direction and always know that there is a safe place for you here.

Thank you for four amazing years.




Beauty Buzz: Skin is the New “It” Bag

By |August 5th, 2009|Beauty Buzz|


I can’t figure out why everyone seems so shocked that tanning beds are ranked way up there on the list of things that give you cancer.  This really shouldn’t be news to anyone. Tanning beds increase your cancer risk by 75% when introduced before the age of 30. Now, I can’t lie. I went to college in a town where we clearly thought we lived in Beverly Hills. A day could not be complete without a stop by the gym and tanning bed (this went for GUYS and girls).  Luckily, my tanning habit ended when I received my diploma.

Not only does excessive tanning make you prone to skin cancer, it also makes you prone to wrinkles and saggy, pruney skin.  Not cute.  With all of the products on the market, it surprises me that people are still paying up to sizzle down. Here is great site which tells how to have successful treatment on cancer.

Even though people are holding back on those new Prada shoes and Chloe bags, they are still spending their hard earned cash on something seasonless- their skin.  While not completely recession proof, the skincare industry has been riding out these tough economic times with a great deal of ease.  With that being said, you are wasting your money buying expensive skin creams if you are just following them up with a few minutes in a tanning bed.  By frying yourself, you’re completely canceling out all the benefits of your fancy face lotion.

I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, “Bacon looks better brown!” but this doesn’t mean you have to ruin your skin to get a golden bronze. Here’s how to fake a Hawaiian Tropic tan without out scorching your skin:

  • Moisturize– Can’t stress it enough. Your face and body need to be slathered with moisture daily.  You can get wrinkles on your body too! Yuck! To keep your skin soft and supple, choose a moisturizer specifically for your skin type.  Many moisturizers also now contain SPF which makes your life that much easier.


Clarins HydraQuench SPF 15 Cream

200Dove Pro Age Cream Oil Lotion SPF 5

  • Exfoliate– Try and exfoliate both face and body once a week to slough off dull skin.

P232915_lgExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment

BLISS-295Bliss Blood Orange + White Pepper Sugar Scrub

  • Bronze– Now it’s time to fake that golden goddess glow. A couple of routes here.  I switch daily between a tanning body lotion and my regular body lotion.  Another option is doing a once weekly tanning treatment at home (following your exfoliating treatment). Lastly, you can go to a local salon that does spray tanning if you don’t trust yourself (again-after you exfoliate).

200-1Jergens Natural Glow Foaming Daily Moisturizer

SUNSPONGE_medrModel Co Sun Sponge

imagesMystic Tan Self Tanning System

  • Protect– Just because you now are a bronze bunny, doesn’t mean you are safe from the sun’s UV rays.  You still need to make sure to use at least SPF 15 while in the sun.

prod_hero_sheer15Hawaiian Tropic Sheer Touch Lotion SPF 15

Now go on, my little bronze beauties. Show off that beautiful “sun kissed” skin. Just because you didn’t buy that new handbag, doesn’t mean your skin should look like leather.



Gift Guide: It’s that time of year again…

By |December 1st, 2008|Gift Guide|

Okay, so maybe this it’s only the middle of November, but the Holidays are fast approaching. While this is a slight departure from my typical commentary, our country is in a recession so, it’s time to start shopping in order to get ourselves out of this mess. No, really, I’m serious. So, here are some awesome gifts that I found to make your life slightly easier and to help aid in ending the national economic crisis. Then I’ll go back to being bitchy….


This is one of my personal favorites.  Basically you send in a picture that you would like to have turned into a piece of art. You can choose from different styles ranging from Warhol to a simple silhouette and prices start at $39.99 and go up to over $200 depending on the style/fabrication/size you choose. It takes about 14 business days for the final product. Go to www.allpopart.com to learn more.

Such a great personal gift! Just don’t break up or you could be left with some awkward blank wall space!
