Beauty Buzz: Shake Ya Tailfeather…
**NOTE: This particular entry is a little bit R rated and not for the faint of heart. I warned you in advance…
So, I woke up today to a very startling email. Yes, I sleep with my phone in my bed because I like using the alarm clock. Yes, I do have a normal alarm clock, but I can only wake up to jarring obnoxious noises. Yes, sleeping with my phone in my bed has led to some pretty embarrassing “butt dial” incidents. That being said, below is the email exchange the led to the following post:
Have you considered a blog entry about anal bleaching? Seems to be all the rage with women these days, particularly models.
Um, I woke up to this. I threw my phone and then went back to sleep.
Is this a serious inquiry? I can only imagine the kind of ” juggling” you must be doing…
Google it, seriously. And you woke up to this at 10:30???
Seriously, it’s all the rage.
I’m not buying into it. Sounds like you drank the kool aid.
I’m giving you business advice.
What cute young female reader of yours doesn’t want a sparkly clean hiney?
Alrighty, then. Apparently, I had some Googling to do. The funny thing is- the topic of “south of the border” grooming has been on all of our minds lately. After getting the suggestion of looking into, I had scheduled an appointment for a full Brazilian at Sothy’s because it was one of the “top booked” and it was conveniently located near my office. Um, I have to say it was a less than pleasant experience. I should have figured as much seeing as the receptionist had a full on ‘stache (mustache, folks). This wasn’t going to go well. Let’s pretend that the wax wasn’t scorching my skin off and that the woman wasn’t using strips (seriously, who still uses strips?). I’m not a very hairy girl, so when I say “everything”, I’m dead serious. The fact that I was laying pantless and fighting with the woman about stray hairs was humiliating enough. Abort mission. Again realizing that you get what you pay for, maybe dropping $100 a month to have Maya’s magical handiwork at Elizabeth Arden may very well be worth it.
Upon telling WhyInGayHell about this fiasco, he proceeded to ask me if people did a buttocks waxing and if this was something males should be participating in. While I wasn’t readily able to answer the question, I assured him that living in New York, anything is possible. (Upon further research, apparently Face To Face in Chelsea does a little something called “the backdoor.”)
Moving right along… So this “anal bleaching…” I really had never given it anything thought seeing as I thought it was just something porn stars did. I am all about cleanliness and grooming, but this seems a bit extreme to me. Is this really something that people are doing? Normal people? Like your neighbor? Or that girl next to you at work? Yikes. So, basically what it is is a topical solution that can either be prescribed by a doctor or over the counter applied to your nether regions to lighten the color and even out the skin tone in that area. The same salon, Face to Face, is the only spa in the city currently offering this procedure, which is very popular in the gay community and apparently now young ladies of NYC. Below is a description of the treatment from Face to Face:
Anal Bleaching
This innovative treatment comes directly from our Hollywood friends and is for those of you with a ‘dark side’. We start by waxing the area with our rosemary based wax – great for sensitive areas – followed by an application of a fruit acid peel to lighten you up. Look hot and sexy from all angles!
30 minutes $100
Sounds like a blast. I’m still not convinced. After asking a few gals their thoughts, only one valid point was brought up. I understood why, perhaps, a gay gentleman may want a little clean up in the rear, but why the sudden interest from young straight girls? Well, though we, as ladies, may not be aware, when our male pals are behind us (not necessarily for the “rear entry” cause most of us are “exit only” types) they still get a view of our pretty little donuts. Seems most men are more into strawberry frosted donuts rather than chocolate glazed. It may lead them to believe you have poor sanitary habits and that’s just foul. So, my final verdict? Take a little gander at yourself and check out what’s going on back there. Remember, hairy is scary and no one is down with that “brown.”