Smart is the New Pretty: Kids These Days…
There will come a point in your life when you’ll come to the startling realization that you’ve become a stodgy old grump… something you thought you’d never be. But alas, here you are; griping about terrible music, saggy pants, and kids these days…
- While one student gets expelled for his f-bomb Tweet, [Mashable]
- Another’s bikini photo causes a graduation ban. [Huffington Post]
- But to be fair… we’re all going to have to watch what we say on Facebook pretty soon. [CNET]
- And is if that wasn’t bad enough, SAT and ACT testing security will be revamped after cheating scandal. [Huffington Post]
- That probably means most of these students won’t be attending one of these “dream colleges.” [Huffington Post]
- Which would eventually lead them to work at one of the worst companies in America (is yours on here?) [Huffington Post]
- All of this probably has something to do with why the birth rate is plummeting. We’re too poor to have kids! [Huffington Post]
- And that’s probably why we feed our kids “pink slime.” [Huffington Post]
- This is why you’re better of just getting a dog. At least they can take care of themselves. [Huffington Post]
- How about those Dodgers?[Huffington Post]