The 90’s: a decade I can get behind. Rather than leaving us with treasures like bad perms. legwarmers, and the hair bands of the 80’s, this decade was the cooler, more rebellious little sister. I always wondered why anyone wanted to purposely look like an asshole by throwing an 80’s theme party. Some things are meant to be left in the past. Like your ex’s and that one school photo when you had braces and DIY bangs.
The 90’s left the legacies of grunge, garage bands and fashion trends worth repeating. Combat boots, babydoll dresses, and anything plaid are 90’s style essentials (not to mention some of this fall’s must haves). Unkempt hair, porcelain skin, and a deep wine pout are the beauty staples to complete your trip back in time. Bonus points for being able to borrow your boo’s blouse. Your flannel, is my flannel, honey. Hello, androgyny. Recall CkOne? Who didn’t love My So Called Life and who can forget the queen of grunge, Ms. Courtney Love? Starting to see why sometimes history is worth repeating?
DKNY Cotton Blend Flannel Nightshirt, $58, Lucca Couture Daisy Print Chiffon Dress, $59, Bop Basics Cashmere Oversized Beanie, $80, Saint Laurent Patti Boots, $1,295

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