I mean, I guess better late than never, right? It’s only 8:45 in California… and even earlier in Hawaii. So just pretend you’re drinking a mai tai in Maui and pretend I posted on time… shh…
- The phrase, “right meow.” I don’t know who started it, but it must stop.
- Picking the one stall with no toilet paper.
- Pulling your hair up into the perfect messy mess and having one piece hanging down in a “rat tail.”
- Flying hungover. Not good. Anyone who’s been to Vegas can vouch, I’m sure.
- Getting the chatty cab driver. In the words of the oh so eloquent Rihanna, “Shut up and drive.”
- Solo underwear dance parties.
- If one dog is good, three dogs are better.
- Learning to love your natural hair color.
- Chloe Moretz.
- Screaming at the very top of your lungs. Pillow or no pillow.
I promise to be on time next week… maybe.

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